Monday, May 28, 2007

Dear All,

Sorry. Don't worry you are in the correct blog or weblog.

About Aerosol? About Family? About Paper?
OK. Start from about 25th.05.2007, just to make more specific, please direct visit to my another blogs.

All about Aerosols-Environment-Engineering Thesis see the details here.

All about my-share-knowledge-non'thesis please to: here

Ok...and part of documentation about my-love-family-one-another is here!. smile:-)

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Jenis2 Transportasi dan Harganya:
1. K.S.T. Travel
Cabang Penang:
23 Love Lane 10200 Penang, Malaysia.
T.016-4952345, Lonly Planet
Bus Service to Thailand: 05.00, 08.30, 12.00, 15.30 waktu Malaysia.

Cabang HatYai:
Opp. Montien Hotel, 90110
HatYai to Penang: 09.30, 12.30, 15.30
HatYai to Bangkok, dll di Kota2 di Thailand
HatYai to Kuala Lumpur
HatYai to Singapore

Misalnya dari Mo'o (Gate 108=Pittu Roi Pet) ke KST naik Taxi or Tuktuk or Songteo = 20THB
HatYai ke KOMTAR = 250THB (harga pengalaman life4aak waktu mengunakannya)
KOMTAR ke Penang (Bandara) = 38MYR dengan Taksi.

Di tempat Travel KST HatYai ini Anda juga bisa menukar uang THB ke MYR, dengan jumlah terbatas, kalau pas ada dan mereka berkenan.

2. HatYai Variety Travel Service (0351280/81)

Penting: Anda cari Travel yang bisa diajak komunikasi dengan berbahasa Inggris (English).

menuju-PSU HatYai

Setelah Anda dinyatakan diterima oleh Graduate School PSU HatYai, dibuktikan dengan email atau Surat Penerimaan berbahasa Inggris (dulu ada yang penerimaannya masih berbahasa Thailand), Anda sekarang bersiap-siap untuk berangkat menuju HatYai dari Indonesia.

Ada beberapa alternatif dari Indonesia ke HatYai:
1. Jalur PEN-naik Taksi ke KOMTAR-naik VAN ke HatYai-naik Ojek ke PSU (or naik Tuktuk ke PSU Mo'o (Mo'o adalah nama daerah terkenal dikalangan Sopir2 or angkutan umum lainnya)
2. Jalur Singapore-Bangkok-HadYai-naik taxi bandara ke PSU Mo'o
3. Jalur KLIA-naik Kereta Api ke HatYai-naik Taxi ke PSU Mo'o (or naik Tuktuk or Songteo ke PSU Mo'o)
4. Jalur Singapore-naik Bis patas ke HatYai-naik Tuktuk ke PSU Mo'o (or naik Tuktuk or Songteo ke PSU Mo'o)

Beberapa alternatif dari Indonesia:
1. Jalur Surabaya-Singapore
2. Jalur Jakartta-Singapore
3. Jalur Padang-Kuala Lumpur
4. Jalur Medan-Penang
5. Jalur Medan-Kuala Lumpur-Penang
6. Jalur Surabaya-Kuala Lumpur-Penang
Daftar selengkapnya bisa lihat di

Alaternatif dengan Kapal Laut:
1. Belawan-
2. Karimun-


Especially untuk PSU HatYai dan mungkin buat semua orang yang ingin study di Thailand, langkah2 ayang harus dilakukan adalah (urut):
1. Menghubungi Calon Advisor di Universitas yang dituju. At least, paling enggak membaca website program study yang dituju or emailing dengan Calon2 Advisor...khususnya bagaimana cara mendaftar menjadi mahasiswa Master atau Ph.D student di Thailand.
2. Isi email bisa a.l: Anda tertarik dengan Jurusan ini dan ingin study di Universitas ini yang mana adalah melalui website saya lihat cocok dengan universitas dan program universitas tempat saya bekerja sekarang. Tunggu...bila sudah cukup lama, anda dapat mengemail lagi, siapa tahu email terdahulu masuk spam atau ada begitu banyak email sehingga email anda pas belum ditanggapi.
3. Ikuti apa yang disampaikan oleh Calon Advisor atau Petugas yang Anda hubungi. Misalnya diminta untuk kirim dokument atau mendaftar secara online. dsb dsb.


Dokument yang harus disiapkan dan hal2 ayang perlu dilakukan:
1. Pasport lengkap (=KTP Anda di Luar Negara Indonesia)
2. Pas photo 4x6 warna (alternatif: siapkan 3x4 1 lbr)...pesan Life4aak: dikantong or dompet siapkan selalu satu atau dua lembar pas photo
3. Isi formulir, sesuai dengan data pada Pasport.
4. Photo copy Pasport lengkap 1x sesuai yang diminta Petugas Visa di Police Station
5. Siapkan duit 1000THB untuk Visa Student Single Entry, 2000THB untuk Visa Student Multiple Entry.
6. Tunggu Petugas... dan selesai.

Anda sudah punya Visa Student selama setahun dan HARUS diperbaharui setiap tahun, baik untuk Master Student maupun untuk Ph.D Student.


Menuju Police Station dapat dengan Tuk-tuk.
1. Naik dari Kampus yang berada dekat Cafetaria dan mengatakan or bertanya ke Sopir:
Anda: Phhhi Pai Police Station? (Bang/Pak Sopir apakah bisa antar saya ke Police Station?)
Sopir: Krab (atau Kab kedengarannya)

Anda: Sam Sip Baht? (Tiga Puluh Baht?, bila Anda orang baru Anda bisa menujukkan dengan menunjukkan bahasa isyarat sambil menunjukkan tiga jari dan telunjuk dan ibu jari bertemu untuk angka 'nol').
Sopir: Krab (=ok saya setuju)

Kemudian Anda dipersilahkan untuk naik. Jangan kaget. Anda akan naik seorang diri. Thailand adalah orang jujur, dan baik secara umum. Percayakan diri Anda kepadaNya dan kepadanya. Sekitar 20 - 30 Menit Anda sudah tiba kalau tidak ada kemacetan (umumnya di HatYai tidak macet, meski macet tidak sembarangan orang Thai berkendaraan koq, mereka secara umum patuh pada aturan yang berlaku).


Langkah-langkah untuk mengurus Visa Student di PSU HatYai Thailand adalah:
1. Menyampaikan maksud ke Ajarn secara langsung dan mengikuti apa yang beliau sampaikan. ATAU
2. Minta tolong ke rekan Thai menolong menyampaikan maksud ke Administrator Jurusan juga bisa sebagai alternatif.

Life4aak menyarankan Anda bisa tempuh keduanya untuk menjalin komunikasi dengan semua elemen he he he he:-) Terserah Anda memilih caranya. OK.

Memilih yang pertama: Menyampaikan maksud ke Ajarn secara langsung (tidak diwakilkan), karena soal Visa student adalah soal status Anda di PSU atau status Anda di Negara Thailand secara globalnya. Setelah menyampaikan maksud maka tunggu apa yang Ajarn katakan. Perhatikan baik2 apa yang disampaikannya. Akhirnya lakukan yang dia minta.

Hasilnya: Pengalaman kami pernah diminta menghubungi langsung Department tepat kami belajar, Administratornya biasanya sudah tahu apa yang harus dilakukannya, hanya perlu menunggu dia meminta dokument Anda berupa Passport lengkap. Lengkap maksudnya semua dokument2 yang diberikan ketika diperjalanan mau ke HatYai dari Indonesia harus dibawa serta. Admin biasanya mengcopykan bagian mana saja dari Pasport itu yang diperlukan.

Setelah dokument lengkap, Anda diminta untuk menunggu sampai selesai dari Department tempat Anda mengajukan Visa Student. Life4aak menunggu kurang lebih dua atau tiga minggu setelah dari Departmen itu. Iya maksimum sebulan lah iya. Anda hanya perlu menunggu dan menanyakan kalau sudah sekitar tiga mingguan. Biasanya kalau Surat Keterangan tersebut sudah tiba di Department maka Administrator or Petugas akan menelepon or mengubungi rekan Thai or Anda sendiri untuk menyampaikan bahwa Surat Keterangan Student sebagai Master Student or sebagai Doctoral Student sudah bisa diambil.

Setelah Surat Keterangan Student Anda terima trus gimana dong?. Langkah berikutnya adalah:
1. Mengcopy surat keterangan itu 1x sebagai Arsip buat Anda pribadi atau enggak dicopypun enggak apa apa.
2. Bawa dokument tersebut ke POLICE Station di HatYai.

Friday, May 25, 2007


A heat transfer problems must have consideration about a boundary value problem (Erwin Kreyszig, 8ed, p.651). One calls it:
1. DIRICHLET problem
2. NEUMANN problem
3. Mixed problem

Thursday, May 24, 2007

for a while ... ok

...sorry still maintain...
but searcher or blogger can visit aerosol continuous-improvement

sedang maintain...secepatnya akan kembali...
sementara maintain, anda dengan senang hati dipersilahkan mengklik link
semua perihal aerosol berkembang-terus

thanks, kob khun krab/kab
demikianlah pengumuman ini dibuat...

Sekarang sudah ON lagi...Congratulations!...Now, it's ON again...Have a nice looking...enjoy your time...GB

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Limitation of Euler Method in FLUENT (Hartle, S.L., 2005):

1. Only Κ−ε turbulence models are allowed
2. Particle tracking works with the primary phase only
3. Translationallyperiodic flow (either specified mass flow rate or specified pressure drop) not allowed (annular sectors)
4. Compressible/inviscidflow not allowed
5. Phase change (Melting/Solidification) not allowed
6. Species transport not available
7. Heat transfer not available

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Paper International (Conference), CECI2001:
"Control Robot Manipulators with Hybrid Learning Algorithm Radial Basis Function Networks in Operational Space"

Contact by e-mail (currently: or

newtonian fluid and examples

Many fluids are called “Newtonian”, after the English physicist Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727), who gave the first scientific definition of viscosity.

Newtonian flow or a material which is classified as Newtonian is characterised by a viscosity which is independent of the shear rate at which it is measured.

Examples of Newtonian fluids include water, mineral, liquid lecithin, prune concentrate, various syrups, vegetable oils, honey, milk, fruit juices, and wine.

Friday, May 18, 2007


CONVECTION (Free or Natural Convection)
- For the Free or Natural Convection: Use Bousinessq Parameters (Bousinessq Model) to consider Bouyancy effect.
- The default operating temperature is under Boussinesq Parameters.
This temperature will be the temperature of the wall, . (lower hot).
- It is tempting to specify an operating density here too, but the help panels say that it is not necessary to specify operating density when using the Boussinesq approximation.
- The air movement is normally promoted by temperature difference between warm zone and cold zone under natural convection situations, and/or by pressure difference due to wind or mechanical ventilation. It is known that the airflow pattern plays a fundamental role in the deposition, migration and distribution of aerosol particles in the multi-zone area.

* Gravity force or Body force
Here are the influences of Gravity force or Body force for particles:
- particles size dp > 4 micron will deposit on internal surfaces quickly under the influence of gravity,
- particles size less than 2 micron may become aerosol particles and remain suspended in the air and the occupied spaces in which particle molecular diffusion and air movement dominate the particles’ movement and the gravitational force becomes less important.
- particles which are between 2 and 4 micron may settle down on the interior surfaces or remain suspended in the air, which is mainly influenced by both the airflow pattern and gravity.

- Thermophoresis refers to the behavior in which aerosol particles suspended in a gas acquire a velocity in the direction of decreasing temperature due to collisions with the surrounding gas molecules. In a non-isothermal system with relatively cool walls, thermophoresis causes aerosol particles to move toward and deposit on the walls.

*Initial force

*Stochastic Brownian force
- the translational and rotational motion of rigid aggregates of aerosol particles has been developed, taking into account the stochastic Brownian force, gravity, and the hydrodynamic drag as functions of the size, overall shape and internal structure of the aggregate.

*Drag force (hydrodynamic drag)
- in parallel side : use Stoke’s drag equation with Faxen’s correction
- The steady state drag is the drag force which acts on the particle in a uniform pressure field when there is no acceleration or deceleration of the relative motion between the particle and the conveying fluid.
- The drag force at various Reynolds numbers is based on the introduction of the drag coefficient CD. (Further in El-Batsh theory, p.32, 38).

*coulombic force

*image force

*Rarefaction effect
- Rarefaction effect becomes important when the particles are very small. In such a situation, the gas flow around the particle can not be regarded as a continuum. Instead, the particle motion is induced by collisions of gas molecules with the particle surface. This results in a reduction of the drag coefficient. (Further in El-Batsh theory, p.33, 39).

*Pressure Gradient Force and Unsteady Forces
- The local pressure gradient in the flow gives an additional force in the direction of the pressure gradient.
- In addition, the acceleration or deceleration of the relative velocity between the particle and the fluid produces forces which can be divided into two parts: the virtual mass effect and the Basset force.
- The virtual mass effect relates to the force required to accelerate or decelerate the surrounding fluid. The Basset term describes the force due to the lag of boundary layer development with changing relative velocity.

- the process whereby particles of liquids, gases, or solids intermingle as the result of their spontaneous movement caused by thermal agitation and in dissolved substances move from a region of higher to one of lower concentration.
- The diffusion coefficient is shown to be a strong function of the number of particles forming the aggregate (N), as well as of the detailed structure of the aggregate (Moska and Pavatakes, 2006).

*Particle-particle interaction

*Summation over the entire particle size distribution




Thursday, May 17, 2007


Karya berupa Buku Penuntun Perkuliahan Jurusan Teknik Komputer, Sistem Komputer, Teknik elektro, Teknik Kendali Otomatis:




Particle Model (composition) in FPM

Modes are composed of internally mixed particles
Particles are composed of multiple, immiscible phases
Phases are composed of multiple chemical species
Has Mantle: multi-component liquid
Has Core: multi-component solid

A particle is composed of one or more phases, and each phase can be composed of one or more species.,

aerosol-properties-governing-equations-explanation Externalforces-Thermoforesis

In a non-isothermal system with relatively cool walls, thermophoresis causes aerosol particles to move toward and deposit on the walls. Such thermophoretic deposition plays an important role in a variety of applications such as the production of ceramic powders in high temperature aerosol flow reactors, and the production of optical fiber preforms by the modified chemical vapor deposition (MCVD) process (Wiemer et al., 1993 and Friedlander, 2000). For some applications, this particle deposition is desirable (i.e., the manufacture of optical waveguide prefoms by the MCVD process); however, in other applications it is an impediment (i.e. the production of ceramic powders, such as aluminum nitride, in aerosol flow reactors).

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

aerosol-properties-CFD Solver


A CFD solver is used as the base program for solving the general differential equation governing the convection, diffusion, and sources of a species such as particles.
The CFD solver is used to solve for the flow field and for any chemical reactions.
Chemical reactions produce condensable material that may nucleate to form new particles, or deposit on existing particles to cause them to grow.
The output from a particle dynamics model is the particle size distribution at every point in time and space of interest.
The size distribution also includes information on the distribution of multiple chemical species in the particles.

aerosol-properties-spatial & temporal-evolution-size distribution

source:, 15th May 2007, by Lasman

Aerosol dynamics modeling is the task of simulating the spatial and temporal evolution of the size distribution and chemical composition of a population of particles.

Aerosol dynamics modeling is challenging because particle formation models must be developed to describe:
-formation of particles from condensable material (i.e., nucleation),
-collisions of all sizes of particles with all other particles, and
-effect of the chemical composition of the particles.

Particle size distributions may be composed of multiple, distinct, superimposed populations of particle, called modes, where each mode results from a distinct source of particles, creating a multimodal size distribution.

The effect of aerosol processes on the particle size distribution is expressed mathematically by the general dynamics equation (GDE) for aerosols.

The GDE can be solved by coupling an aerosol dynamics model with a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver.

The CFD solver simulates diffusion-convection processes, and the aerosol dynamics model represents the effect of processes like coagulation, condensation, and nucleation as additional source and sinks in the CFD simulation.

How about in CFD-FLUENT ? [need to know this in deep ] see Labels: CFD-FLUENT

By the way, this research-work (thesis Lasman) especially for simulate and measure (experiment) the spatial and temporal evolution of the size distribution of (aerosols particle) a population of particles not with chemical composition of a population of particles.


The governing differential equation is a so-called diffusio-integral differential equation.

The integral terms account for the particle-particle interactions, called coagulation, and is a summation over the entire particle size distribution.

There is also an additional convection term due to the effect of external forces on the particle motion.

External forces include gravitational, thermophoresis, and inertial forces.

Then explanation about terms :
Term 1. Convection
-Free convection: using Buosinessq and or Bouyancy
The results of Walsh et al., (2006) about deposition of aerosol particle on the wall, indicate that for a given inlet and wall temperature, free convection impacts the velocity profiles to a larger degree than the temperature profiles, and thus changes in the particle deposition profiles due to free convection are linked more tightly to differences in residence time rather than to differences in the local temperature gradients.
-Forced convection

Term 2. External forces
-Gravitational force or Body force refers to behaviuor in x-y-z directions.
-Thermophoresis refers to the behavior in which aerosol particles suspended in a gas acquire a velocity in the direction of decreasing temperature due to collisions with the surrounding gas molecules.
-Inertial force

Term 3. Diffusion

Term 4. Coagulation ( , )

Term 5. Particlegrowth

Term 6. Internalsources

Verify what regime of flow that used: Turbulent or Laminar (Calculate Reynold number first to make decision about this)

Equations that include in this thesis (both particles-solid-aerosol and gas-air) : [1]. Continuity Equation, [2]. Momentum Equation, and [3]. Energy Equation.

The FPM solves for the evolution of moments of the size distribution. Because the FPM uses lognormal size distributions to represent the particle size distribution within each mode, each of which is represented by three parameters (total mass, mean size, standard deviation), three integral moments are solved for each mode. The modal parameters can be calculated from these three integral moments. For multicomponent simulations, an additional mass moment is solved for each additional chemicals species.

aerosol-properties-DPM or FPM?

Discrete Phase Model (DPM).
Fine Particle Model (FPM).

The DPM is primarily used to simulate the transport of large, individual particles, whereas the FPM is primarily used to simulate the transport of populations of a large number of small particles.

Large, supermicron, particles, are usually formed by mechanical processes.
Submicron particles are usually formed by chemical processes.

Particles larger than 1 micron are typicall generated by atomization and grinding processes. [Mechanical, The DPM in FLUENT is primarily useful for simulating the dynamics of these supermicron particles], particles less than one micron are typically generated by chemical routes [Chemical, the FPM is primarily useful for simulating the dynamics of these submicron particles.].

Although the DPM can simulate the transport of a distribution of particles, it is really a spatial distribution of similarly sized particles, whereas the FPM simulates the transport of a distribution of differently sized particles.

Also, although the DPM simulates diffusion by using a stochastic walk procedure in Lagrangian simulations, the FPM solves particle diffusion using the coupled convection-diffusion solution scheme inherent in Fluent’s Eulerian CFD solvers.

Feature: FPM -- DPM
Typical size range : <10>=1 micron
Effect of processes on: Particle size distribution -- Single particles
Characteristic size distribution: Lognormal -- Rosin-Rammler
Solution technique: Eulerian -- Lagrangian
Cluster-particle, particle-particle interactions: Nucleation, Coagulation -- None
Brownian motion treated as: Diffusion -- Additional force

FPM: There must be a continuous size distribution of particles in the simulation domain.
DPM: The motion of single particles can be simulated.

So, based on and and the facts from Kalasee et, al. (2007), FPM is the best Model to Simulate Aerosol Particles Transport in this Thesis.

aerosol-properties-Euler or DPM?

If my research (temporary) focus is how to show the Particles Velocity Magnitude (m/s) in any time (and or space ) AND the Particles trajectory in time by time (and or space), what Method should I use?...Eulerian or DPM ?

Because NH [emailing: Injection Modeling, 2007] not sure which method works better, but do know that DPM can track the particles and velocity of the particles very easily, Lasman already write verification in page or folder: Aerosols-Properties-DPM or FPM? Have a nice look!.


Aerosol and Air Quality Research
Aerosol Science and Technology (AS&T)
Atmospheric Environment
Journal of Aerosol Medicine: Deposition, Clearance, and Effects in Lung
Journal of Aerosol Science
Journal of Environmental Monitoring (JEM)

any sources:

List Of Contents: Newest

aerosol-research (seminar, conference, grant, ..., scholarship)

[2]. StudyInHatYaiPSU

Thanks-a-Lot .:::::. Kob Khun Krab Kab


1. Menghubungi calon Advisor
2. Mendaftar On Line
3. Mendaftar Langsung di Pumkin Building
4. Menunggu KTM ATM selama 1 bulan

Police Station

Konjend RI Songkhla
Pumpkin Building
Sekolah Anak
International Anak

Monday, May 14, 2007

Airflow Modeling

Airflow Modeling: Efforts to Find the Better Models for Building Air Quality Simulation.

1Lasman Parulian Purba, 2Elieser Tarigan
1Master of Engineering Student in Mechanical Engineering Department
Prince of Songkhla University, HatYai Campus, Thailand, 90110
2Kampus UBAYA Tenggilis
Jalan Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya, Indonesia
Contact Person:
Elieser Tarigan, Ph. D
Kampus UBAYA Tenggilis
Jalan Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya, Indonesia
Phone: +62-31-298-1000,,

Abstract. All combustion sources, such as motor vehicle, industrial combustion processes, burning, cooking, heating, and tobacco smoking, generate large quantities of fine (aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 micro-meter) and ultra-fine (smaller than 0.1 micro-meter) particles. Smaller particles can penetrate deeper into the respiratory tract and therefore have a higher potential to induce health effects than larger particles.
Suspended particulate matter can serve as nuclei and carriers for airborne viruses and bacteria, resulting in the spread of diseases. In addition, fine particles themselves can deposit in the lungs and cause respiratory diseases. As people spend about 90% of their lifetime indoors, indoor particulate matter can have great impact on human health. Thus, a good understanding of particle transport (included in dynamics flow) is crucial for creating healthy indoor environments.
In this paper, more than four model simulation of indoor airflow for building is reviewed. Hope fully, this help decisions maker have many consideration to improve or manage airflow for building. This is an effort to improve working environment in factory that seems to be severely affected by particulate matter.

Keywords: particulate matter, airflow, building, simulation.
1 Introduction
Health problems related to the environment have become a major source of concern all over the world. The health of the population depends upon good quality air, water, soil, food and many other factors, can be analyzed in terms of the costs, as a part of consequences of failure in Risk Analysis. The environmental consequences of an event can also have other serious consequences, which affect company’s reputation. It’s needed to establish measures that can eliminate or considerably reduce hazardous factors from the human environment to minimize the associated health risks. The ability to achieve these objectives is in great part dependent on the development of suitable experimental, modeling and interpretive techniques, which will allow a balanced assessment of the risk involved as well as suggesting ways in which the situation can be improved. The interaction between environmental risk and health is often complex and can involve a variety of social, occupational and lifestyle factors. This emphasizes the importance of considering an interdisciplinary approach in related with environmental indoor health.
To raise efforts for promoting healthy working-environment, sustainable management of building and or factory that must have indoor room, this paper will present deep supporting information that needed to consider mainly about indoor air quality’s factors. Primary goal of this paper is to present existing information in ways compatible with other engineering disciplines, then to contribute to the body of knowledge itself in order to advance our understanding of controlling Particulate Matter that is a part of contaminants in the indoor air environment.


To help summarized the information provided in this paper, inclusion of four model simulation of indoor airflow for building is reviewed to help gathering prediction the velocity and pollutant concentrations at arbitrary points inside a building or room. This paper is organized into eight sections beginning with fundamental concept of risk, the main factors affecting contaminant dispersion, characteristic of Indoor air environment, aerosol as one kind of particulate matter and contaminants, impact of aerosol, type of indoor air flow and standard that related to indoor air quality, and the respiratory system: ending with the elements of future computational methods that possible to used to predict contaminant particles transport in the vicinity of process equipped with industrial ventilation systems, that currently more then four Simulation in the world-internetworking-advanced-search-based.


1. Michael D. Sohn, Michael G. Apte, Richard G. Sextro, Alvin C. K. Lai, Predicting size-resolved particle behaviour in multizone buildings, Atmospheric Environment (2006),DOI:10.1016/ j.atmosenv.2006.10.010.
2. Nazaroff and Cass, 1989. Mathematical modeling of indoor aerosol dynamics. Environmental Science and Technology 23 (2), 157-166
3. Feustel, H. E., 1999. COMIS-An international multizone air-flow and contaminant transport model. Energy and buildings 30, 3-18
4. Dols, W.S., Walton, G.N, 2002. CONTAMW 2.0 User Manual, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NISTIR 6921
5. Tareq Hussein, Hannele Korhonen, Erik Herrmann, Kaarle H¨ameri, Kari E. J. Lehtinen, and Markku Kulmala. 2005. "Emission Rates Due to Indoor Activities: Indoor Aerosol Model Development, Evaluation, and Applications," Aerosol Science and Technology, 39:1111–1127, Copyright: American Association for Aerosol Research, ISSN: 0278-6826 print / 1521-7388 online; DOI: 10.1080/02786820500421513
6. Zhang, Z. and Chen, Q. 2006. “Experimental measurements and numerical simulations of particle transport and distribution in ventilated rooms,” Atmospheric Environment, 40(18), 3396-3408.
7. Klepeis, N.E., Nelson, W.C., Ott, W.R., Robinson, J.P., Tsang, A.M., Switzer, P., Behar, J.V., Hern, S.C., and Engelmann, W.H., 2001, “The national human activity pattern survey (NHAPS): A resource for assessing exposure to environmental pollutants,” Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, Vol. 11 (3), pp 231-252.
8. Aliage, C. and Winqvist, K., 2003, “Commnet les femmes et les homes utilisent leurs temps-Résultats de 13 pays européens,” Eurostat, KS-NK-03-012-FR-N.
9. The Practitioner’s Guide to Health Effects, Contaminant and Environmental Factors from MANAGING IAQ,,M1 accesed 19th February 2007
10. Engineer Installation Management accessed 19th February 2007
11. Green Building Rating System Version 2, 2000, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

29. James H.,V. Aerosol Science for Industrial Hygienist. Pergamon. Great Brittain by Bookcraft, Bath. 1995;1]
30. "" as in 04.12.2006

34. as in 15December2006
35. Hinds,W.C.,AerosolTechnologyProperties, Behavior, and Measurement of Airborne Particles, ISBN-10: 0-471-19410-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-471-19410-1 - John Wiley & Sons (1999)
36. Kameel, R., Khalil, E. E., The Prediction of Airflow Regimes in Surgical Operating Theatres: A Comparison of Different Turbulence Models, 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit., American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reno-Nevada (2003).
37. Hussein, T., Indoor and Outdoor Aerosol Particle Size Characterization in Helsinki, Report Series in Aerosol Science N:o 74 (2005)
38. Nazaroff, W. W., Indoor Particles Dynamics, INDOOR AIR, Blackwell Munksgaard (2004).
39. Sørensen, D.N. and P.V. Nielsen, Quality control of computational fluid dynamics in indoor environments. Indoor Air, 2003. 13: p. 2-17.

more information?... contact:,

Aerosol Modeling in FLUENT

aerosol modeling in FLUENT

NEWCHALENGER: To be expertice...

Aerosol energy engineering & Environmental effect of aerosol
Aerosol & Control..
International Journals of Aerosol...

2.1. Papers--National
2.2. Papers--International
2.3. Buku--Sistem Pengaturan dengan Komputer--GrahaIlmu.Com
2.5. Penelitian--National--BBI (LitMud & KW)
2.6. Award--DIKTI--Kepangkatan--Lektor(2006)

III. StudyInPSU-HatYai-inEnglish&/Indonesia-Panduan untuk orang Indonesia..
3.1. Dormitory
3.2. FoodCenter
3.3. SevenEleven and TescoLotus
3.4. PSU HatYai Gate
3.5. PumpkinBuilding 1st Registration Place
3.6. Banking
3.7. ThaiTradition

IV. OTHERS-Prospect-Int.Business&Engineering-HighLight for ThailandIndonesia
4.1. Rubber Indonesia -- Energy from Biomass -- Tinjauan Teknis & Ekonomi
4.2. Energy audit -- Boiler of Factories -- Potensi & Peluang
4.3. Palm oil (Crude Palm Oil) Indonesia -- Potensi & Tantangan
4.4. Mechatronics -- Mechanical -- Electronics ?

V. GENERAL-Knowlwedge-Self-Improvement
5.1. Converter []
5.2. Makalah-Populer-Siswa-Indonesia
5.3. Etika profesi-komputer-business-engineering
5.4. ...

VI. SWEET-Memories
6.2. ITS Surabaya
6.3. STIKOM Surabaya
6.4. UBAYA Surabaya
6.5. Ciputra Surabaya
6.6. ...

HatYai, Thailand on 18thMay2007
Team Blog's Developer
Lasman Parulian Purba, ST
M.Eng Students of Prince of Songkla University

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Table of concentration measures
Frequently used standards of concentration Measurement Notation Generic formula Typical units
atomic percentage (A) at.% %
atomic percentage (B) at.% %
Mass percentage - %
Mass-volume percentage - % though strictly %g/mL
Volume-volume percentage - %
Molarity M mol/L (or M or mol/dm3)
Molinity - mol/kg
Molality m mol/kg (or m)
Molar fraction Χ (chi) (fraction)
Formal F mol/L (or F)
Normality N N
Parts per hundred % (or pph) da.g/kg
Parts per thousand ‰ (or ppt*) g/kg
Parts per million ppm mg/kg
Parts per billion ppb µg/kg
Parts per trillion ppt* ng/kg
Parts per quadrillion ppq pg/kg

* Although 'ppt' is usually used to denote 'parts per trillion', it is on occasion used for 'parts per thousand'. Sometimes 'ppt' is also used as an abbreviation for precipitate.

Note (1) : The table above is described in terms of solvents and solutes; however the units given often also apply to other types of mixture.

Note (2) : The use of billion, trillion, quadrillion above follows the short scale usage of these words


KARET Indonesia diteliti orang Francis


In Indonesia, agriculture and forestry represent almost 15% of GDP and employ 42% of the workforce. Food security, poverty alleviation and biodiversity management, particularly studies of the joint changes in societies and in island ecosystems as a result of climate change, are the main research priorities for CIRAD in the country. General agreements signed in 2004 with the Ministries of Agriculture and Forestry have helped to strengthen scientific partnerships and cooperation projects.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Diffusion Fluxes

Diffusion Fluxes
We call a flux purely diffusive if the only driving force is a concentration gradient and neither other driving forces nor convection terms exist.
taken from

convection fluxes

Convection Fluxes
We call a flux purely convective if the diffusive part, driven by the concentration gradient, vanishes, i.e. a=0.

definition of flux


The most crucial and computationally expensive task is to find an appropriate discrete representation for the flux components. To avoid unnecessary complications we look closely at just one term of the sum in (3.1-2), at the partial flux of quantity which is related to (or driven by) quantity . The transformation of the equations from physical space to computational space is linear and, therefore, we can merely consider the term

For numerical reasons we distinguish between the cases where we have
- only a diffusive flux,
- only a convective flux,
- diffusive and convective flux.,