Thursday, January 26, 2006

Petunjuk Beasiswa ke Belanda (Holland)

Petunjuk Beasiswa

Perhatian: semua korespondensi mengenai beasiswa dilakukan melalui e-mail dengan mencantumkan subyek: jenis program beasiswa – tahun akademik – butuh informasi
Contoh: StuNed - 2005 – butuh informasi

I. Tahap Pertama: Memilih Program Beasiswa
Pelajari terlebih dahulu macam/jenis program beasiswa yang ditawarkan (dapat melalui scholarship wizard).
Menentukan program beasiswa yang mana yang dapat anda ikuti (pastikan bahwa anda memang dapat memenuhi semua persyaratan yang diminta).
Setelah menentukan program beasiswa yang dapat diikuti, lalu anda mulai menentukan di universitas mana di Belanda dan program studi apa yang hendak anda pilih untuk melanjutkan studi anda.
II. Tahap Kedua: Mengurus Pendaftaran ke Universitas
Mulai mengurus pendaftaran ke universitas di Belanda yang sudah anda tentukan sebelumnya. Daftar universitas di Belanda dapat anda lihat di website kami (List of all Courses). Setiap universitas memiliki website, alamat e-mail dan alamat pos, supaya anda dapat langsung menghubungi mereka. Untuk berkorespondensi dengan pihak universitas, anda dapat melakukannya melalui e-mail. Anda harus meminta formulir pendaftaran ke universitas dan mempersiapkan semua persyaratan yang diminta oleh pihak universitas, seperti TOEFL, Surat Rekomendasi, dan lain-lain. Anda harus mengirimkan formulir dan lampiran yang diminta ke universitas untuk diproses sebelum mereka dapat memutuskan apakah anda dapat diterima di sana. Bila memang diterima, pihak universitas akan mengirimkan Letter of Acceptance atau Provisional Admission Letter sebagai bukti bahwa anda diterima di sana. Barulah setelah itu anda memasuki Tahap Ketiga.

III. Tahap Ketiga: Mendaftar Beasiswa ke NEC
Mempelajari daftar pilihan universitas dan program studi baik untuk Master`s degree programmes atau Short courses.
Menentukan pilihan universitas dan program studi yang akan diambil.
Mengurus pendaftaran ke universitas sampai memperoleh Letter of Acceptance.
Setelah memiliki Letter of Acceptance dari salah satu universitas di Belanda, dapat memperoleh formulir beasiswa STUNED di kantor NEC atau dari website NEC.
Setelah mengisi dan melengkapi formulir, anda harus menyerahkannya ke NEC sebelum batas akhir penyerahan yang telah ditentukan (batas akhir pendaftaran STUNED untuk Master`s degree programmes paling lambat 1 April 2005, sementara batas akhir pendaftaran STUNED untuk Short courses ada 2 tanggal, yakni batas akhir pendaftaran tanggal 1 Maret 2005 untuk program yang dimulai antara 1 Juli – 31 Desember 2005, dan yang kedua tanggal 1 Oktober 2005 untuk program yang dimulai antara 1 Januari – 31 Juni 2006. Formulir yang tidak lengkap tidak akan dapat diproses.
Mempelajari daftar pilihan universitas dan program studi untuk program NFP-Master`s degree programmes atau Short courses.
Menentukan pilihan universitas dan program studi yang akan diambil.
Mengurus pendaftaran ke universitas sampai memperoleh Letter of Acceptance.
Setelah memiliki Letter of Acceptance dari salah satu universitas di Belanda, dapat memperoleh formulir beasiswa NFP di kantor NEC atau dari website Nuffic:
10. Setelah mengisi dan melengkapi formulir, anda harus menyerahkannya ke NEC sebelum batas akhir penyerahan yang telah ditentukan (batas akhir pendaftaran NFP untuk Master`s degree programmes paling lambat 1 Oktober 2004 dan 1 Maret 2005, sementara batas akhir pendaftaran NFP untuk Short courses ada 4 kategori, yakni kategori A batas akhir pendaftaran tanggal 15 Oktober 2004, kategori B tanggal 1 Desember 2004, kategori C tanggal 15 Maret 2005, dan kategori D tanggal 15 Juli 2005). Formulir yang tidak lengkap tidak akan dapat diproses.

Menghubungi salah satu universitas di Belanda untuk meminta data staf atau professor di universitas yang dapat membantu menjadi pembimbing atau supervisor program PhD yang ingin anda ikuti di sana.
Mengajukan proposal penelitian untuk dipelajari oleh professor atau supervisor dari universitas yang dimaksud.
Setelah disetujui, maka tahap selanjutnya mengajukan permohonan beasiswa PhD ke Netherlands Education Centre (NEC). Anda harus mengisi formulir dan melampirkan beberapa persyaratan yang diminta beserta proposal penelitian. Batas akhir pendaftaran tanggal 1 Juni atau 1 Oktober 2005. Formulir yang diajukan setelah batas akhir akan diproses untuk tahun berikutnya.
Mengajukan proposal permohonan untuk program tailor-made ke Netherlands Education Centre (guidelines atau panduan penulisan proposal dapat diperoleh di website:
Tidak ada batas akhir pendaftaran.
Mengajukan proposal permohonan untuk program refresher courses ke Netherlands Education Centre.
Batas akhir pendaftaran 31 Oktober 2005.
IV. Tahap Keempat: Proses & Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi
Seluruh aplikasi perorangan untuk mengikuti “master course” atau “short course” yang diterima dan yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dimasukkan dalam database, lalu diberikan peringkat dan dikelompokkan berdasarkan beberapa kriteria seperti nilai IPK, nilai TOEFL/IELTS, bidang pekerjaan, tempat tinggal, motivasi, program studi dan gender.

Komite seleksi menentukan pemberian beasiswa berdasarkan seluruh informasi yang diserahkan oleh kandidat, keterkaitan sektor dengan pembangunan Indonesia dan peran institusi dalam pembangunan Indonesia. Pernyataan dari institusi atau “employers statement” yang menjelaskan manfaat program studi bagi institusi tersebut merupakan faktor penting dalam penilaian.

Hasil seleksi akan diumumkan kepada seluruh pelamar pada bulan Juni 2005.

NEC akan memeriksa dan melihat apakah formulir dan dokumen terlampir sudah memenuhi persyaratan. Setelah itu NEC akan mengirimkannya ke Nuffic untuk diikutkan dalam proses seleksi.
Pengumuman hasil seleksi akan dikeluarkan oleh Nuffic dan diberitahukan ke NEC. NEC akan menyampaikan informasi tersebut kepada setiap penerima beasiswa.
NEC akan memeriksa dan melihat apakah formulir dan dokumen terlampir sudah memenuhi persyaratan. Setelah itu NEC akan mengirimkannya ke Nuffic untuk diikutkan dalam proses seleksi.
Pengumuman hasil seleksi akan dikeluarkan oleh Nuffic dan diberitahukan ke NEC. NEC akan menyampaikan informasi tersebut kepada setiap penerima beasiswa.


Copyright © 2006 NEC Indonesia All Rights Reserved

Scholarships as in


Scholarships on this page have been divided into the following categories:
Full Scholarships i.e. scholarships which cover fees, acommodation, living expenses and airfare.

Full Fee Waivers
Partial Fee Waivers
PhD Scholarships
Other University of Westminster Scholarships
External Scholarships

Please read the details of the individual scholarships carefully to ascertain whether you're eligible for the scholarship. Applications sent in for scholarships you're not eligible for will not be considered. You can apply for more than one scholarship on the same form. Alternatively, you could simply tell us what level of funding you require, and we could match the appropriate scholarship to you. Please only do this if you're eligible for more than one scholarship.

Other funding options may be available to postgraduate students, information for which can be found on our External Scholarships and Funding site.


Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) ScholarshipsThese scholarships are jointly funded by the ACU, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the University of Westminster and International Students House. They are available to young staff of the ACU member institutions in developing countries looking to study a full-time Masters in Human Resource Management or Public Relations and Public Communications. Further details including application forms and procedures can be found on Ann Rance ScholarshipThe scholarship is in memory of Ann Rance, who worked at the University's Repographic Department. One of her life aspirations was to help those marginalized or disadvantaged.Amount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: International students from developing countries holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
Commonwealth Broadcasting Association - Chevening ScholarshipThis scholarship is offered in conjunction with the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA), the University of Westminster, International Students House and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.Amount: Award of a full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London. Eligibility: Available to administrative and production staff currently employed by CBA member institutions in developing countries, who wish to develop their skills in media, public relations or marketing through an appropriate full-time Masters degree. Criteria: Please contact the CBA for further details on or Central American ScholarshipsThese scholarships are awarded jointly with International Students House (ISH) and are open to any Central American national wishing to study a subject useful to the development of Central America and intending to return to their country on completion of the course.Amount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers, accommodation at ISH , living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Students from Central America (including Mexico and the Caribbean) holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree at the University. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need. Commonwealth Shared ScholarshipsThese scholarships are awarded jointly with the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission.Amount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: To be eligible to apply, students must fulfill the following: 1. be nationals of (or permanently domiciled in) a Commonwealth developing country; and not be currently living or studying in a developed country; 2. hold a first degree at either first or upper second class level; 3. be no more than 35 years old on commencement of the course (some preference is given to those aged 30 or under); 4. are sufficiently fluent in English to pursue the course; 5. have not previously studied for one year or more in a developed country; 6. not be employed by a government department (at national level) or a parastatal organisation (employees of Universities are acceptable); 7. be able to confirm in writing that neither they nor their families would otherwise be able to pay for the proposed course of study; 8. be willing to confirm in writing that they will return to their home country on completion of the course. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need. For further information please log onto For application forms please log onto www.csfp-online/hostcountries/uk/sss/forms.html. Cuba ScholarshipsAmount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Students from Cuba only, holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree at the University. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need. Cuba EFL ScholarshipsAmount: Awards will cover fees, accommodation and living expenses for one month. Eligibility: Lecturers from University of Havana Medical Schools only. Criteria: Scholarships are available for July or August 2006. Applications must be submitted immediately.
Disaster Regeneration ScholarshipThis scholarship is open to international students from developing countries/region affected by a recent natural or man-made disaster.Amount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: International students from disaster struck developing countires/ regions, holding an offer for a full-time Masters in the School of Built Environment at the University. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
Gambia ScholarshipThis scholarship is awarded jointly with International Students HouseAmount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Student from Gambia only, holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
International Students House ScholarshipsThese scholarships are awarded jointly with International Students House (ISH).Amount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers, accommodation at ISH, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: International students from developing countries holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
LLM International Commercial Law ScholarshipAmount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Students from Eastern European Accession countries and the Former Soviet Union States holding an offer for the full-time LLM in International Commercial Law. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need. LLM International Commercial and Dispute Resolution Scholarship (PR of CHINA)Amount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Graduates from the Law School of East China University of Politics and Law (ECUPL) and the Law School of Zhengzhou University holding an offer for the full-time LLM in International Commercial and Dispute Resolution Scholarship. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
MA Conference Management ScholarshipAmount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: International students from developing countries holding an offer for the full-time MA in Conference Management. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
MA Globalisation, Development & Transition ScholarshipThis scholarship is awarded jointly with International Students House.Amount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation at ISH, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: International students from developing countries holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree at the University. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need. MA Tourism Management Scholarship
Amount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: International students (including students from countries newly acceded to the EU and the new EU accession candidate countries) holding an offer for the full-time MA in Tourism Management. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
MBI ScholarshipsThe MBI Foundation offers scholarships to students from across the Arab world wishing to study for a full-time Masters degree at it's partner institutions including University of Westminster.In addition, the Foundation supports academic and educational projects, which promote better understanding between the people of the Middle East and the wider world, not ust Europe and the US, but elsewhere too.Amount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers, accommodation expenses at the rate of the University's Halls of Residences, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Students from the Middle East holding an offer for a full-time Masters at the University of Westminster. Criteria: Students need to show the intention to return to the region ofter the period of study. Students over 45 are not accepted usually and priority is given to those who have not previously studied in Europe or the US. Please note that applications for these scholarshipsmust be made directly to the Foundation by their specified deadline. For more details, please visit or email

Media, Arts and Design ScholarshipAmount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Students holding an offer for any full-time Masters in the School of Media, Arts and Design. Criteria: Academic excellence and/or significant achievement in the student's chosen field.
MSc Bio Informatics Scholarship (INDIA)Amount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Indian students only, holding an offer for the full-time MSc in Bio Informatics. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
MSc Business Information Technology Management Scholarship (INDIA)Amount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Indian students only holding an offer for the full-time MSc in Business Information Technology Management. Criteria: Academic excellence and financial need. Alongwith the scholarship application and supporting documents, students must also submit:
1. A 1000 word essay on 'How specialist academic study in Business Information Technology Management can benefit IT professionals in India.'
2. A CV documenting academic achievement.
3. A short (one page) statement giving reasons for financial need.

A national competition will be held for this scholarship. Only students holding an offer for the Masters are eligible to enter. Deadline for the essay is the same as the deadline for the scholarships application i.e. 31st May 2006.

MSc Psychological Research Methods ScholarshipAmount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Students holding an offer for the full-time MSc in Psychological Research Methods. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
Palestinian, European, American Committee for Education (PEACE) ScholarshipsThese scholarships are jointly awarded with International Students House.Amount: Awards of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation at ISH, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Students from Palestine only, holding an offer for any full-time Masters. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
President's Scholarships
These generous awards are aimed at fully funding students from developing countries to study a full-time Masters degree at the University. Particular preference will be given to those who can demonstrate how the knowledge they acquire from their studies will be put towards the development of their own country.Amount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: International students from developing countries holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
Quintin Hogg Scholarships
These generous awards funded by the Quintin Hogg Trust and are aimed at fully funding students from developing countries to study a full-time Masters degree at the University, live close by and improve their English prior to the studies. Particular preference will be given to those who can demonstrate how the knowledge they acquire from their studies will be put towards the development of their own country.Amount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses, airfare to and from London and a pre-session course in English (where needed). Eligibility: International students from developing countries holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
Suriname ScholarshipThis scholarship is awarded jointly with International Students House.Amount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation at ISH, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Students from Suriname only, holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree at the University. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need. Students must choose a course that will be useful to the development of the country and must intend to return home at the end of the course.
Tanzania ScholarshipThis scholarship is awarded jointly with International Students House.Amount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation at ISH, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Students from Tanzania only, holding an offer for any full-time Masters in the University. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need. Students must choose a course that will be useful to the development of the country and must intend to return home at the end of the course.
University of Westminster and China Chevening Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded jointly with the China Chevening Programme.Amount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Students from PR of China only, holding an offer for any full-time Masters degree in the Law School at the University. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
Amount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Students from PR of China only, holding an offer for any full-time Masters in the University. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need. Please contact the British Council in China for further details on the scholarships and application procedures on

University of Westminster and Vietnam Chevening ScholarshipsThese scholarships are awarded jointly with the Vietnam Chevening Programme.Amount: Award of full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: Students from Vietnam only, holding an offer for any full-time Masters in the University, except the MBA. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need. Please contact the British Council in Vietnam for further details on the scholarships and application procedures on University of Westminster and the Villa Foundation ScholarshipsThese scholarships are awarded in partnership with the Villa Foundation of Maldives and are open only to students from Maldives, holding an offer for any full-time Masters at the University of Westminster.Please log onto the Foundation's website for more information on Vice-Chancellor's ScholarshipOur most prestigious award, this scholarship is funded by the Vice-Chancellor's Office and is aimed at fully funding a student from a developing country to study a full-time Masters degree at the University. Particular preference will be given to those who can demonstrate how the knowledge they acquire from their studies will be put towards the development of their own country.Amount: Award of a full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and airfare to and from London. Eligibility: International students from developing countries holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
FULL FEE WAIVER SCHOLARSHIPS Diplomatic Academy of London ScholarshipsAmount: One scholarship each for the London and Paris study. Eligibility: Students holding an offer for the full-time MA in Diplomatic Studies based in London or at the Paris Centre. Criteria: Academic excellence and financial need.
Full Tuition Fee Waiver ScholarshipsAmount: Awards of full tuition fee waiver. Eligibility: International students from developing countries holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
MA Public Relations and Public Communications ScholarshipsAmount: One award of full tuition fee waiver for a full-time student and one award of a full tuition fee waiver for a part-time student. Eligibility: Students holding an offer for the full-time/ part-time course. Criteria: Academic excellence and financial need. Students must have some knowledge and experience of the UK Public Relations Sector. Media, Arts and Design ScholarshipAmount: Award of full tuition fee waiver. Eligibility: Students holding an offer for any full-time Masters in the School of Media, Arts and Design. Criteria: Academic excellence and/or significant achievement in the student's chosen field. Westminster Business School ScholarshipsThese 6 scholarships are offered by the University's Westminster Business School to academically exceptional students holding an offer for any full-time Masters within the School.Amount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers. Eligibility: Students holding an offer for any full-time Masters degree within Westminster Business School. Criteria: Selection based on excellent scholastic record in undergraduate studies and/or evidence of excellence in previous employment, business and community services.
PARTIAL FEE WAIVER SCHOLARSHIPS Alumni ScholarshipsThese scholarships are gathered from income earned by the Alumni Affinity Services. They are available to graduates of any University of Westminster undergraduate degree who plan to proceed to a full-time Masters course within the University. Amount: Awards of £2,000 pounds each to be used as a reduction of tuition fees. Eligibility: University of Westminster graduates progressing to a full-time Masters at the University. Criteria: Academic excellence and financial need.
David Faddy Scholarships
These scholarships have been established in the memory of David Faddy, former Head of School of Communications, and generously funded by Richard Jenkins and Maureen Amar.
Amount: Awards of £2500 fee waivers. Eligibility: Students holding an offer for the full-time MA in Photojournalism or MA in Photographic Studies. Criteria: Academic excellence and financial need.
International ScholarshipsAmount: Awards of half (50%) fee waivers. Eligibility: International students from developing countries holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
MA English Literature ScholarshipsAmount: Awards of 33% tuition fee waivers . Eligibility: These scholarships are open to citizens of North America and EU member states holding an offer for the full-time MA in English LIterature. Criteria: Academic excellence.
MBA ScholarshipsAmount: Awards of half fee (50%) waivers. Eligibility: Students holding an offer for the full-time MBA degree. Criteria: Academic excellence, career progression and financial need. Preference will be given those working in the Voluntary or Public sector. Deadline: 1st August 2006 Amount: Awards of half fee (50%) waivers. Eligibility: Students holding an offer for the part-time MBA degree. Criteria: Academic excellence, career progression and financial need. Preference will be given those working in the Voluntary or Public sector. Deadline: 1st September 2006
Media, Arts and Design ScholarshipAmount: Award of £2000 fee waiver. Eligibility: Students holding an offer for any part-time Masters in the School of Media, Arts and Design. Criteria: Academic excellence and/or significant achievement in the student's chosen field.
Medical Insurance Consultants' ScholarshipAmount: 2 x £500 tuition fee waivers. Eligibility: Entering students and students who were awarded this previously, accepted for the Diploma in Management for General Practice. Criteria: Academic excellence, excellent potential as a Manager in general practice, inability to gain financial help from the NHS and financial need. Deadline: 1st September 2006.
Part International ScholarshipsAmount: Awards of £2000 fee waivers. Eligibility: Students from non-UK countries holding an offer for a full-time Masters degree at the University. Criteria: Academic excellence.


Biosciences/ Biotechnology Research ScholarshipAmount: Award of a full tuition fee waiver. Eligibility: Students planning to study a postgraduate research program (MPhil or PhD) in biosciences or biotechnology at the Cavendish campus from any non-EU country. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need. Cavendish Campus Research ScholarshipsAmount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers. Eligibility: Students planning to study a postgraduate research program (MPhil or PhD) in biosciences or biotechnology at the Cavendish campus from any non-EU country. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need. Cavendish Campus Research Scholarship (INDIA)Amount: Awards of a full tuition fee waiver. Eligibility: Indian students planning to study a postgraduate research program (MPhil or PhD) in biosciences or biotechnology at the Cavendish campus. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.
Doctoral Scholarships in Media and Communications Studies
The Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) has a number of scholarships available for candidates wishing to commence study for a doctoral degree. The Institute has particular strengths in media policy and economics, media history and the study of media audiences. The work of the the Institute also has a very strong international dimension with members who are leading experts on media in India, China, the Middle East and the study of the diaspora in Europe.
Applications are invited from prospective students with research proposals in the above areas. We particularly wish to expand our research in Gloabalisation and the Media, and Media Audiences.
Amount: The duration of the scholarship is three years, and entitles the student to a stipend (currently £10000 per annum) and a tuition fee waiver. Eligibility: Open to all prospective students. Criteria: The method of application is by means of the standard University postgraduate admissions procedure. Applicants may obtain a copies of the documentation from Erica Spindler via email on or telephone on 0044 (0)20 7911 5968. Applications should be accompanied by a statement of the candidate's proposed field of research, including a definition of the topic and principal research questions; an outline of the research methods to be adopted; and an indicative bibliography. Please state clearly in your covering letter that you wish to be considered for the scholarship (Ref: 50007782). Deadline: 22nd April 2006.
Completed application forms and proposal documents should be sent to Erica Spindler at:
The Research Office,
University of Westminster,
Harrow Campus, Watford Road,
Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3TP, UK
All applications should reach the Research Office by the stated deadline and interviews will be scheduled for the week beginning 15th May 2006.
Prospective students wishing to discuss an application informally may contact Dr Roza Tsagarousianou (Head of the Doctoral Programme) on Successful candidates may be asked to act as teaching assistants on appropriate modules for up to 6 hours per week, or to undertake equivalent duties in support of the work of the Institute.

Quintin Hogg PhD ScholarshipsThese generous awards funded by the Quintin Hogg Trust and are aimed at fully funding PhD students from developing countries to pursue research at the University, live close by and improve their English prior to the studies (where needed). Particular preference will be given to those who can demonstrate how the knowledge they acquire from their studies will be put towards the development of their own country.Amount: Awards of full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses, airfare to and from London (where applicable). . Eligibility: International students from developing countries or home students planning to pursue their PhD at the University. Preference will be given to applicants pursuing a PhD in araes not covered by other scholarships. Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.


GE Capital Europe Limited Law Placement Scholarships
GE Capital Europe Limited funds a variety of awards for students successfully completing an undergraduate law placement.
Amount: Variable Eligibility: Students on the LLB course at the University. Criteria: Academic record and interview. Students will be invited to apply to the scheme as they apply for unpaid placement opportunities. Further details will be available through the Law School's placement office in the early summer of each year.

GE Corporate Financial Services Europe Limited Law Placement ScholarshipsGE Corporate Financial Services Europe Limited funds a variety of awards for students successfully completing an undergraduate law placement.Amount: Variable Eligibility: Students on the LLB course at the University. Criteria: Academic record and interview. Students will be invited to apply to the scheme as they apply for unpaid placement opportunities. Further details will be available through the Law School's placement office in the early summer of each year. Genworth Law Placement ScholarshipsGenworth funds a variety of awards for students successfully completing an undergraduate law placement.Amount: Variable Eligibility: Students on the LLB course at the University. Criteria: Academic record and interview. Students will be invited to apply to the scheme as they apply for unpaid placement opportunities. Further details will be available through the Law School's placement office in the early summer of each year.

As in: setelah berkunjung ke Univ Brawijaya website...

Kemungkinan Scholarship

Info Scholarships untuk Program Master yang mungkin dapat diikuti:
1. Australia: ADS dan APS ...applikasi terakhir 09 September
2. Malaysia: UTP ...aplikasi 20 Desember atau ...20 Juni
3. Belanda (Holland): Kontak ke NEC ... applikasi terakhir 31 Maret atau ...
4. Inggris (England): CHEVENING ... applikasi terakhir 31 Mei atau ...
11. STIKOM (...): ...
6. DIKTI: ...applikasi terakhir 31 Maret

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mata Kuliah Binaan di STIKOM Surabaya

MK untuk Jurusan Manajemen Informatika STIKOM Surabaya:
1. Pengantar Teknologi Informasi
2. Teknik Digital
3, Organisasi Komputer

MK untuk Jurusan Teknik (Sistem) Komputer STIKOM Surabaya:
1. Pengetahuan Dasar Komputer
2. Algoritma & Pemrograman
3. Teknik (Sistem) Digital
4. Rangkaian Listrik
5. Kapita Selekta
6. Praktikum Pengukuran Elektronika
7. Praktikum Rangkaian Linear Aktif

MK untuk Bidang Peminatan Sistem Pengaturan Kurikulum 2000 dan KBK2004 Jurusan Teknik (Sistem) Komputer STIKOM Surabaya:
1. Sistem Pengaturan Digital
2. Sistem Pengaturan dengan Komputer
3. Sistem Pengaturan
4. Praktikum Sistem Pengaturan

MK untuk Kurikulum 2000 Jurusan Manajemen Informatika STIKOM Surabaya:
1. Pengantar Pengenalan Data Elektronik

MK Lainnya (KBK2004):
1. Etika Profesi

Buku Diktat Yang Pernah Dibuat:
1. Diktat Perkuliahan: Sistem Pengaturan dengan Komputer (Edisi Pertama), Diterbitkan STIKOM, 2005

Bidang Penelitian:
1. Motor DC
2. Motor AC
3. Control Systems and Design
4. Identification Systems
5. Intelligent Systems by Neural Networks
6. Mobile Communication System


Lasman Parulian Purba, ST
E-33, Dosen Ybs (2000-now)

life 4 family

Hidup untuk Keluarga

Ada kebutuhan dasar dari pasangan. Dalam pemenuhannya harus berkomunikasi.
Aku sudah pernah mengetahui kebutuhan rasa aman beberapa tahun yang lalu, yakni sebelum aku menikah dengan Isteriku.

Paham yang terkadang aku lupa sehingga menyebabkan dia tidak merasa saya penuhi kebutuhannya adalah:
1. Isteri adalah pilihan saya dan Allah menghendakinya ada disamping saya. Dia adalah penolong yang dikirmikanNya. Pasti!. Ini satu paket Lasman...tidak hanya kelebihannya saja. Tetapi juga seluruh 'kejelekan'/ 'keberadaan' nya

2. Anak kami juga adalah titipan Allah. Dari arti namanya saja Mercidominick Fidelius Conrad Menachem Purba, Mercidominick=Milik Allah (Kasih Karunia Allah); Fidelius=Iman, percaya; Conrad=pemberani Jerman Kuno; Menachem=memperbaiki dengan hikmat (dari Allah); Purba=keluarga, family name dari...ikut patrilineal ... bapaknya bermarga purba...dia dapat memeprbaiki kejelekan dari keluarga purba dan yang lainnya (mami[isteri])......Ingatlah bahwa: Ada Rencana Allah yang Sungguh Baik bagi keluarga kami (Papi, Mami, Nico)

...kami adalah milik-NYA...itu kata Firman Tuhan dan bukan saya atau Presiden Adi Kuasa atau Ketua STIKOM...

love en HISLove
lasman, papi, pemimpin keluarga saya

jalan hidup seseorang

Selamat Pagi Indonesia, Selamat Pagi India...

Demikian pagi ini saya mulai di Lt. 8 kampus STIKOM Surabaya...
Aktivitas hari ini saya:
waktu pribadi e-sh, jaga uas, sap prep., toefl prep., lunch, istirahat, review pembelajaran...esp. modul prakt sispeng., research grant searching...lppm-its-ln, perpust..waktu balikin 2buah buku pinjaman, d'papak bila gak hujan deras...

Ini rencana yang dapat saya rencanakan tapi jalan hidup Tuhan yang atur ... GBU !