Monday, February 19, 2007

[researcher]tiga model sistem perkuliahan

Module I: 36 units=thesis
Module II: 30 units=core couses + 12 units=thesis == 42 units
Module III: 30 core courses + 6 units = minor-thesis + 6 units = thesis == 42 units

If you receive shocarshipnya,, you in combination: 18 Core + 18 Thesis = 36 Units...

3Operations Management
3Managerial Accounting
3Marketing Management
3Organizational Behavior
3Managerial economics
3Business Research
3Financial mgt
3Strategic Mgt

3Priciples of Economics
3Business Law
3Business Finance
3Financial Accounting

3Business Intelligence
3Knowledge Management
3Innovation and Change Management
3The Government and Business Sector (The Public Policy Process)
3Small Business Management
3Seminar in HRM
3Human Factors Application in Business
3Seminar in International Business
3Comparative and International Management
3Foreign Business Studies
3Marine Transport Business
3Electronic Commerce
3Seminar in Marketing Problems
3International Marketing
3Marketing in Service Industries
3Logistics and Supply Chain Management
3International Financila Management
3Securities Investment
3Islamic Banking Management
3Investment Banking
3Derivatives Market
3Special Topics in Business Adm. I
3Special Topics in Business Adm. II
3Special Topics in Business Adm. III
3Special Topics in Business Adm. IV or or


Friday, February 16, 2007

Thailand approves seven bioenergy plants as CDM projects
The Thai government has approved the first batch of seven alternative energy projects which would be eligible for carbon credits under the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism. Five biomass and two biogas power plants were approved.They are:
a power plant in Yala that uses waste wood from rubber plantations
a biomass cogeneration plant in Suphan Buri
a rice-husk-fuelled biomass plant in Pichit
a biomass cogeneration plant in Chaiyaphum
a bagasse-fuelled power plant in Khon Kaen (bagasse is the waste generated from pressing sugar juice out of canes)
a municipal waste-to-biogas project in Khon Kaen
a farm based biogas project in RatchaburiThe second batch of eight alternative projects, already approved by the national environment committee, will be submitted for cabinet approval within a month. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is designed to help industrialised countries meet the protocol's greenhouse gas emissions reduction target by investing in clean technology and sustainable development projects, including afforestation, in developing countries. The system is part of an emerging global carbon market (earlier post).The Thai government has announced that it will accept only alternative energy projects, but will ban afforestations, known as carbon sinks, for fear that they would trigger land-use conflicts in the country: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: The cabinet also set up a panel, chaired by Khunying Suthawan Sathirathai, to draft regulations regarding the implementation of the CDM projects and study the pros and cons of the scheme. The panel's findings will help the country better deal with the proposed CDM projects.There are currently more than 400 schemes, mostly developed by Japanese and Danish firms, on the committee's list of potential CDM projects and awaiting the cabinet's approval, according to the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning
posted by Biopact team at 12:33 PM
taken from:

the advantages of the use of biogas

The Advantages of the use of BIOGAS:

REF. 1: [] accces 19th February 2007
BIOFUELS are the products of the fermentation and distillation of BIOMASS.
In particular, BIOGAS is produced using the humid part of the citizens’ rubbish or the animal dejections.
In BIOGAS production, the technology now allows to realise simpler and cheaper systems than before.
BIOGAS is generally composed by METHANE and a small percentage of rare gas, so that it can be used for those typical applications of methane.
If it is properly purified, BIOGAS can be even put into the city methane pipelines. However, it doesn’t happen because of the energy necessary for the gas purification.

I. (VERY IMPORTANT) Ecological advantages of the use of BIOGAS:
1.1. in the combustion of BIOFUELS (BIOGAS included) the CO² produced is at the so called “zero balance”, i.e. there’s the emission of the same quantity of CO² that plants and animals have absorbed during their life. Therefore, the environmental impact is much lower in comparison with the traditional fuels.

1.2. because BIOGAS is generally composed by METHANE and a small percentage of rare gas, so that it can be prevented the introduction in the troposphere of the methane naturally emitted by organic biomass in a state of decomposition (animal dejections, organic remains, vegetal biomass, ext.). Indeed methane is one of the most dangerous “greenhouse gases”, therefore combustion is preferred.

II. Other advantages of the use of BIOGAS

REF.2 [] Accesed 19th Fberuary 2007
Advantages of biogas include its renewability, abundance, and low cost. Also, it helps with the problem of disposal of organic waste.

1. (main disadvantage) the loss of the organic waste for compost or fertilizer.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

[biogasRENEWABLEenergy]12.02.2007 Class


Capacity of BIOGAS PLANT = 100ft^3.
BIOGAS is used to run the engine-generator setting to produce electricity:
#Thermal efficiency of engine = 40%;
#Electro Mechanical Efficiency of Generator = 75%;
#1ft^3 of biogas containing 55% Methane (CH4) provides 550 Btu of heat;
#40% of fuel energy is tranferable to cooling water;
#10 lb of Dung plus Water is need to prepare Slurry which occupies a volume of 2/7 ft^3. (equivalent to 1.8 litre of Slurry per kg of Dung);
#Digester is expected to operated at 95oF (=35oC);
#Village needs 125 kWh of Electricity per day.
[1]. Biogass (CH4, CO2, H2S, H2) Requirement for Biogass Equipment in m3/day.
[2]. Estimation of Manure Requirement.
[3]. Estimation Digester Capacity (Cylinder). Additional information: 4308 lb (1955kg) is feed to digester daily & should remain inside for 50days for Anaerobic Fermentation.
[4]. Estimation of Gas Holder Size.
[5]. Estimation of heat requirement in Joule (from 68oF to 95oF).

[1]. ok

[2]. ok

[3]. ok

[4]. ok

[5]. This Assignment...
Amount of dung / day = 4,308 lb;
Amount of water / day = Amount of dung / day = 4,308 lb;
So, Total mass that need to heat is = 4,308 + 4,308 = 8,616 lb=3908.2176 kg (1 lb=0.4536kg);
95oF= 52.725oC (1 oF = 0.555 oC) and
68oF= 37.74oC.

Assumption: dung+water is well-mixed so, therfore: Cp of Dung=Cp of Water.
Definition of kcal: "The kcal is the heat needed to raise 1 kg of water by 1 oC" [2005. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. "Answer to Question of Chapter 14: Heat, p.340]
By this definition we can find the heat needed, as below:

Q = 3908.2176 (kg) x (52.725 - 37.74) (oC) x [1 kcal / (1 kg)(1oC)] x [4186 J / 1 kcal] = ...Joule
Q = 3908.2176 x 14.985 x 4186 (Joule)
Q = 245,151,586.120896 J.
Q = 245.1516 MJ/day

Q = 245.1516 x 1055.1 MBtu/day
Q = 258,659.4385 MBtu/day
(because: 1 Btu/s = 1055.1 W; 1 W = 1 J/s; there fore: 1Btu/s=1055.1J/s)

Lasman Parulian Purba, ST (mr)
SN: 4910120113
Master Degree Student in
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Prince of Songkla University,
HatYai Campus,

[preliminary energy audit biomass boiler] OTHER losses Energy is about 43.78% ?

Message from Head of Energy Audit Team Engineering--Ardjan Chukiat K.: "This Losses is Not Usual: It is a MUST to know where is the potentials to make that's inefficiency!."

We must concentrate to this measure.
1. May be the reference that members use not the same, so that m*Cp*dT and enthalpy not the same value.
2. Combustion Chamber, especially we must know the efficiency or optimize.
3. the other one Chamber that we must know the efficiency or optimize.

E5, E6, E7, E9 is as in the usual range. But E8 other losses not as usual.

Indonesia (supplier): 1bucket=12Kg of Palm Shell Waste; ....transport---Thailand: one bucket=8Kg (PT. CMC)

To improve the efficiency of boiler is usually use the equation: INPUT - (Losses / INPUT) not (Output / INPUT ).

HOPE, the second EXPERIENCE will be BETTER and SUCCESFULL...

...Thank You For All...


international conference June 2007 related to environmental energy and risk management...

Template RISK Tech 2007 Indonesia

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Abstract. Use 10 pt Times font for body of the text with one spacing between lines, and 12 pt spacing for the next heading. Left and right indent 0.5 cm. Maximum length 200 words.
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Table 1 Summary of Physical Parameters
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5 Nomenclature (if necessary)
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drag coefficient
linearization coefficient
modification factor
wave number
Complex wave number
6 References
Within the text, references should be cited by giving last name of the author(s) and the year of the publication as:
Whitson (1995) has studied ….
...... the resulting equation is (Becker, 1998; Graf, 1999 and Morris et. al, 1996)
(2) (2)
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Use the same typeface as the body of the text for the references, or just type Reference in style box. Examples are:
4.1. Suharto (ed), Title of paper, Name of Proc., Publisher (1998).
1.2. Sutasurya, L. A., Title of paper, Name of Journal 5, 1-5 (1998).
2.3. Sutasurya, L. A., Handojo, A. & Riyanto, B., Title of paper, Name of Journal 8, 20-25 (1999).
3.4. Sutasurya, L. A., Handojo, A. & Riyanto, B., Title of book, ed. 2, Publisher (1997).
5. Name of the author(s) (if available), Title of paper (if available), Organization, website address, (1 April 1999).
7 Appendix
Manuscript Content
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1. Title of Paper
2. Author names and affiliation
3. Abstract
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5. Acknowledgements
6. Nomenclature
7. References
8. Appendix

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taken from:

Abstaract for RISK Tech 2007 Bandung Indonesia

Airflow Modeling: Efforts to Find the Better Models for Building Air Quality Simulation.

Purba, L.P.(1), Tekasakul, P.(2), Maliwan, K.(3)
1, Mechanical Engineering Department Student of Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus, Thailand, 90110


All combustion sources, such as motor vehicle traffic, industrial combustion processes, burning, cooking, heating, and tobacco smoking, generate large quantities of fine (aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 mm) and ultra-fine (smaller than 0.1 mm) particles. Smaller particles can penetrate deeper into the respiratory tract and therefore have a higher potential to induce health effects than larger particles.
Suspended particulate matter can serve as nuclei and carriers for airborne viruses and bacteria, resulting in the spread of diseases. In addition, fine particles themselves can deposit in the lungs and cause respiratory diseases. As people spend about 90% of their lifetime indoors, indoor particulate matter can have great impact on human health. Thus, a good understanding of particle transport is crucial for creating healthy indoor environments.
In this paper, more than four model simulation of indoor airflow for building is reviewed. Hope fully, this help decisions maker have many consideration to improve or manage airflow for building. This is an effort to improve working environment in factory that seems to be severely affected by particulate matter.

Keywords: Particulate Matter, Airflow, Building, Simulation.

[1].Michael D. Sohn, Michael G. Apte, Richard G. Sextro, Alvin C. K. Lai, 2006. Predicting size-resolved particle behaviour in multizone buildings”. Atmospheric Environment (2006),DOI:10.1016/ j.atmosenv.2006.10.010
[2].Nazaroff and Cass, 1989. Mathematical modeling of indoor aerosol dynamics. Environmental Science and Technology 23 (2), 157-166
[3].Feustel, H. E., 1999. COMIS-An international multizone air-flow and contaminant transport model. Energy and buildings 30, 3-18
[4].Dols, W.S., Walton, G.N, 2002. CONTAMW 2.0 User Manual, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NISTIR 6921
[5].Tareq Hussein, Hannele Korhonen, Erik Herrmann, Kaarle H¨ameri, Kari E. J. Lehtinen, and Markku Kulmala. 2005. "Emission Rates Due to Indoor Activities: Indoor Aerosol Model Development, Evaluation, and Applications," Aerosol Science and Technology, 39:1111–1127, Copyright: American Association for Aerosol Research, ISSN: 0278-6826 print / 1521-7388 online; DOI: 10.1080/02786820500421513
[6].Zhang, Z. and Chen, Q. 2006. “Experimental measurements and numerical simulations of particle transport and distribution in ventilated rooms,” Atmospheric Environment, 40(18), 3396-3408.
[7].Klepeis, N.E., Nelson, W.C., Ott, W.R., Robinson, J.P., Tsang, A.M., Switzer, P., Behar, J.V., Hern, S.C., and Engelmann, W.H., 2001, “The national human activity pattern survey (NHAPS): A resource for assessing exposure to environmental pollutants,” Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, Vol. 11 (3), pp 231-252.
[8].Aliage, C. and Winqvist, K., 2003, “Commnet les femmes et les homes utilisent leurs temps-RĂ©sultats de 13 pays europĂ©ens,” Eurostat, KS-NK-03-012-FR-N.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

[study4progressreport]monday meeting

Comparison of indoor aerosol particle concentration and deposition in different ventilated rooms by numerical method
Bin Zhao, Ying Zhang, Xianting Li, Xudong Yang, Dongtao Huang
Dept. of Biulding Science & Dept of Engineering Mechanics,Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124-0630, USA
Building and Environment 39 (2004) 1-8

PM is a ubiquitous pollutan indoor and outdoor around the world. Aerosol particles are regarded as significant pollutant sources in the indoor environment. The aerosol particle concentration is a room greatly influences the IAQ.

Aerosol particles may also be deposited on interior surfaces, causing a soiling problem and further leading to damage, for example on works of art in museums.

The movement of particles in ventilated areas is influenced by many factors, such as:
airflow pattern,
particle properties,
geometry configurations,
ventilation rates,
supply and exhaust diffuser locations,
internal partitions,
thermal buoyancy due to the heat generated by occupants and/or equipment,
etc. [1 and 2].

1. W. Lu and A.T. Howarth, Numerical analysis of indoor aerosol particle deposition and distribution in two-zone ventilated system. Building and Environment 31 (1996), pp. 41–50. SummaryPlus | Full Text + Links | PDF (986 K) | Abstract + References in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus

2. W. Lu, A.T. Howarth, N. Adam and S. Riffat, Modeling and measurement of airflow and aerosol particle distribution in a ventilated two-zone chamber. Building and Environment 31 (1996), pp. 417–423. SummaryPlus | Full Text + Links | PDF (630 K) | Abstract + References in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus

3. W. Lu and A.T. Howarth, Indoor aerosol particle deposition and distribution: numerical analysis for a one-zone ventilation system. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 16 (1995), pp. 141–147. Abstract + References in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus


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