Saturday, October 21, 2006

my cv


PERSONAL INFORMATION Surname(s) / First name(s) Purba / Lasman Parulian
Address(es) Wisma Kedung Asem Indah K.14 Surabaya, 60298.
Telephone 62-31-8703918, 62-81-55045980
Email Address;;;


Nationality(-ies) Indonesia
Date of Birth 07th September 1974
Religion Christian
Gender/ Marital Status Male/ Married
WORK EXPERIENCE (08/05/00 – now)

Preparing lecture note and presentation; Delivering the material in front of the class as well as doing student examination; Supervising the internship students; Supervising students’ final project; Doing research in the area of computer controlled-systems; Committee member of some National Seminars that have been held in STIKOM.
(07/06/99 –16/07/99)

Observation Trainee in Control System Laboratory ITS Researching and implementing Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PID) Controller on PLC OMRON C200H type ASC02 and PID03;
Writing and presenting the Final Report.
(24/08/98 –25/08/98)

Observation Trainee in PT. SEMEN KUPANG, Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Observing the process of how to make cement;
Observing the implementation of the theory that had learnt in campus, especially for Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) subject;
Finding out optimization problem in factory; Proposing the problem solving for Final Report in front of the Factory Chairmen Board Forum.
EDUCATION BACKGROUND (dd/mm/yy – dd/mm/yy)
(postgraduate education) (name, place, country of institution)
(field of study)
(diploma or degree obtained)
(01/08/93 – 16/02/00)
(ITS Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
ITS Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
field of study: Electrical Engineering Major in Control System Engineering
Degree obtained: Bachelor (Sarjana Teknik, ST)
GPA: 2.81 (4 Scale)
(16/07/90 – 12/06/93)
(SMA 2 Pematang Siantar) SMA Negeri 2 Pematang Siantar, (Senior High School)
City: Pematang Siantar,
Prov.: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra)
(…/07/87 –… /07/90)
(SMP 2 Pematang Siantar) SMP Negeri 2 Pematang Siantar, (Junior High School)
City: Pematang Siantar,
Prov.: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra)
(…/07/81 – …/07/87)
(SMA 2 Pematang Siantar) SD Inpres No. 094154 Talun Kondot,
City: Pematang Siantar, Kab. Simalungun,
Prov.: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra)
TRAINING, COURSE, SEMINAR & PUBLICATIONS 19 October 2006 Publish Book in Computer Controlled-System topic [Sistem Pengaturan dengan Komputer) from GRAHA ILMU Indonesia
21 September 2006 Public Speaking’s Seminar ”Become a Creative & Profesional Speaker” in cooperate with Suara Surabaya FM Radio and Hard Rock FM Radio.
26 Agustus 2006 Information System and Information Technology National Seminar (SNASTI2006)
24 Agustus 2006 Education System Seminar: KURIKULUM BERBASIS KOMPETENSI (supported by: University of Surabaya-STIKOM Surabaya)
23 Agustus 2006 Penulis Jurnal Kwalitas A versi DP2M DIKTI Indonesia dalam Acara Competition Handout Book
Agustus 2006 Participan on Writing Competition of Text Book by Private University Lecturer Se-Indonesia 2006
As in RGB Tabloid: Agustus2006 Edition Colomnis ’Ethics in Information Age’ (Tabloid ’RedGreenBlue/ RGB’).
Januari 2006 – 26 Agustus2006 (end) Komite Pelaksana Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Informasi Nasional (SNASTI2006)/ Member of Committee National Scientific Seminar on Informatin System and Information Technology
…/08.06 Lomba Mengetik Bahasa Inggris antar Bagian di STIKOM Surabaya
Agustus 2006 “Sistem Pengaturan dengan Komputer” Edisi SATU, Proses Penerbitan GRAHA ILMU
Juni 2005 - Nopember 2005 FreelancePembuatan Buku Besar, Jurnal Harian, Jurnal Bulanan, Laporan Rugi Laba dan Analisi Pajak, PT. STSJ Surabaya
(01/03/05 – 31/08/05)
Journal of Computer Engineering GEMATEK, STIKOM/ National.
Algoritma Dijkstra untuk Pemantauan Lalu Lintas dan Pelacakan Jalur Alternatif Optimal
(11/06/05 – 11/06/05)
Proceeding of Seminar on ReTII2005, STTNasional Yogyakarta, Indonesia/ National.
Performansi Dua Buah Motor DC Berdasarkan Identifikasi Dinamis untuk Digunakan Sebagai Penggerak Robot Line Follower
(02/05/05 – 02/05/05)
SITIA2005 Seminar on Inteligent Technology and Its Application/ National.
Kompas Jalur Pendek: Suatu Detektor Lintasan Terpendek Berbasis Mikrokontroler
(01/09/04 – 28/02/05)
Journal of Computer Engineering GEMATEK, STIKOM/ National.
Sistem Identifikasi Model Dinamika Motor DC untuk Digunakan pada Desain Controller
(26/01/05 – 27/01/05)
Held byUBAYA Surabaya - UK PETRA Surabaya / Regional Course.
Active Trainee in RESEARCH PROPOSAL ARRANGEMENT TRAINING held by Groups of Private Research League East Java, Surabaya Indonesia
(19/08/04 -21/08/04)
STIKOM/ Local Course.
Active Participant in APPLIED APPROACH TRAINING held by Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Pendidikan UNESA
(01/03/04 – 31/08/04)
Journal of Computer Engineering GEMATEK, STIKOM/ National.
Sistem Identifikasi Model Motor DC untuk Digunakan pada Desain PID Controller
(25/05/04 – 26/05/04)
Proceeding of ECCIS2004 Seminar on Electrical Communication Control Information System, Brawijaya University/ National.
Perancangan dan Pembuatan Pengontrol PID-Optimal Berdasarkan Kriteria Performansi Kwadratik untuk Pengendalian Motor DC
(25/05/04 – 26/05/04)
Proceeding of ECCIS2004 Seminar on Electrical Communication Control Information System, Brawijaya University/ National.
Sistem Pengendalian Posisi Motor DC Servo dengan Algoritma Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS)
(03/05/04 – 03/05/04)
Proceeding of SITIA2004 Seminar on Intelligent Technology and It’s Applications, ITS/ National.
Sistem Pengendalian Posisi Motor DC dengan Menggunakan JST dengan Algoritma Belajar Error Back Propagation
(01/09/03 – 29/02/04)
Journal of Computer Engineering GEMATEK, STIKOM/ National (Vol. 5 No. 2 Tahun 2003).
Sistem Kendali Motor DC Berbasis Komputer dengan Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan
(19/09/03 – 19/09/03)
Seminar Local STIKOM;
Active Participant in Seminar ‘Smart Better Communication’ by Baby Joewono
(16/09/03 – 16/09/03)
DES2003 Deuleureon Extreme Science 2003, STIKOM/ Regional.
Tips & Trik Pemilihan Kontroler yang Tepat dengan Performansi Terbaik untuk Plant Motor DC
(01/03/03 – 31/08/03)
Journal of Computer Engineering GEMATEK, STIKOM/ National (Vol.5 No. 1 Tahun 2003).
Aplikasi Simulasi Pengendalian Manipulator Robot dengan Algoritma Pembelajaran Hibrida Fungsi Basis Radial, Simualation and Control Robot with Hibrida Radial Basis Function Networks.
(04/06/03 – 04/06/03)
Course Local STIKOM.
Active Participant in Course ‘Quality Assurance: Educational System to Increase Quality Alumni” by Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D (From Gadjah Mada University)
(15/03/03 – 16/03/03)
Regional Training,
Active Trainee in RESEARCH PROPOSAL ARRANGEMENT TRAINING held by Research League of Airlangga University
(30/10/02 – 30/10/02)
Regional Training,
Active Participant in LOKAKARYA PENGEMBANGAN PROGRAM Co-Op (CO-OPERATIVE ACADEMIC EDUCATION) that held by ITS in Cooperation with DPPKPM-DIKTI (Directorate of Higher Education)
(18/09/02 – 18/09/02)
DES2002 Deuleureon Extreme Science 2002, STIKOM/ Regional Seminar.
Aplikasi Kontrol Neuro-Fuzzy pada Industri
(01/03/02 – 31/08/02)
Journal of Computer Engineering GEMATEK, STIKOM/ National.
Kontroller PID Berbasis MATLAB 6.1 : Sebuah Informasi Tutorial (PID Controller MATLAB 6.1-Based: A Tutorial Information)
(14/03/02 - 17/03/02)
IKPN/ National Course.
Active Participant in ‘Institut Kepemimpinan Para Navigator Indonesia’
(14/09/01 – 14/09/01)
Electrical Engineering PETRA Christian Univ. Surabaya/ Seminar/ Regional.
Active Participant in topical Seminar: Applikasi Intelligent Control pada Industri.
(07/03/01 – 08/03/01)
CECI2001 International Conference on Electrics, Electronics, Communications and Informations, BPPT-Jakarta/ International.
Control Robot Manipulators with Hybrid Learning Algorithm Radial Basis Function Networks in Operational Space
(08/02/01 – 09/02/01)
Develop how to Supervising Internship Students/ STIKOM/ Local.
Active Participant in “Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Dosen Wali”
(29/05/01 – 02/06/01)
Seminar Nasional & Pameran Multimedia, STIKOM
Active Participant in Seminar ’Multimedia Interaktif: Media Baru untuk Meningkatkan Publikasi’
(02/10/00 – 02/10/00)
WMNet2000, World Media Network,Univ. Wangsa Manggala Yogyakarta/ National.
Perancangan Pengendalian Manipulator Robot Di Operational Space Dengan Algoritma Pembelajaran Hibrida Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Fungsi Basis Radial. (Design of Control Robot Manipulators in Operational Space with Hybrid Learning Algorithm Radial Basis Function Networks).
(26/07/99 -05/9/99)
Acara Latihan 1999/ Nasional Course.
Active Participant in ”Acara Latihan Kampus Nasional Para Navigator 1999”
(19/05/00 – 19/05/00)
SITIA2000 Seminar on Intelligent Technology and It’s Applications, ITS/ National.
Pengendalian Manipulator Robot Di Operational Space Dengan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Fungsi Basis Radial
(Control Robot Manipulators in OperationalSpace with Radial Basis Function Networks )
PERSONAL SKILLS & COMPETENCES Organisation Skill and competences:
Planner, Organizing Committee National Scientific Seminar, Steering Committee
Artistic Skills and competences:
Music, Singing, Dancing

Simulation software: MATLAB, Ladder Support System, FRANKLIN, FIXDMAX,
Operating systems: Windows95, Windows98, Windows2000, WindowsXP, DOS, Windows Advance Server2000, Windows Professional 2000,
Office applications: MS Word, Power Point, MS Excel, MS Access, MS Frontpage, InternetAcccess, MS Outlook,
Others: C/ C++, PASCAL, BASIC, FORTRAN, Delphi ,Visual Basic FLUENT (in process),
Leadership Skill, Interpesonal Skill…
Driving License:
SIM C (Motorcycle Driving Licence), SIM A (in Process)
Profesional Member/ Mailing List *SoftComputingIndonesia:

*Information Technology and Information System Indonesia (Internasional):

*Centre for Inttellectual Property Right Indonesia:

*MASyarakat Sistem KenDALI Indonesia: MASDALI

I declared all information in these curriculum vitae is true

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

[resource-yg-mantap]anggota milis profesional -->milis risit sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi INDONESIA moderator: Pak IBAM dari UI + Pak Husni ITS -->milis komunitas soft-computing indonesia moderator: Pak Son Kuswadi (Rabbit PENS ITS) + Pak Anto Satriyo Nugroho sedang study s3? di jepang

Monday, July 31, 2006

[BelajarBahasaInggris]tidak ada ruginya

*tidak ada ruginya bila saya belajar bahasa inggris*
...untuk menunjang profesi dan tuntutan jaman ICT Indonesia maupun Luar Indonesia yang semakin mengglobal saja...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

[BARU]uu anti diskriminasi kewarganegaraan indonesia disahkan

Thursday, 13 July 2006 02:57


Tercabutnya Roh Diskriminatif

SELASA (11/7) adalah hari yang sangat bersejarah bagi seluruh penghuni republik ini. Rapat Paripurna DPR RI akhirnya mengesahkan Rancangan Undang Undang (RUU) Kewarganegaraan menjadi undang undang. Dengan disahkannya RUU ini menjadi UU, sama artinya tercabutnya roh diskriminatif yang tertuang dalam UU Nomor 62 Tahun 1958 tentang Kewarganegaraan, yang puluhan tahun dirasakan oleh perempuan WNI yang melakukan kawin campur dan warga Tionghoa.

Sejarah membuktikan, keberadaan UU No 62/1958 dapat merugikan perempuan WNI yang melakukan kawin campur karena menempatkan mereka sebagai pihak yang harus kehilangan kewarganegaraan dan kehilangan hak atas pemberian kewarganegaraan pada keturunannya.

Selain itu, perbedaan kewarganegaraan antara anak dan ibu dalam perkawinan campur juga memberikan berbagai kesulitan bagi pasangan kawin campur. Misalnya, harus mengurus izin tinggal anaknya dengan visa kunjungan sosial/budaya. Ini artinya harus mengeluarkan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Seperti biaya permohonan visa, perjalanan ke luar Indonesia untuk mengambil visa, menunggu prosesnya selama dua hari kerja (ada biaya hotel, transportasi).

Lebih kejam lagi, jika keberadaan anak kawin campur tidak pernah dilaporkan karena ketidaktahuan atau tidak mampu maka pilihannya adalah membayar denda overstay, anak dideportasi, atau dalam UU Keimigrasian dikenai pidana dengan tuduhan menyembunyikan orang asing ilegal.

Warga keturunan Tionghoa yang sudah beranakpinak di Indonesia, juga sangat dirugikan oleh UU Nomor 62/1958 tersebut. Karena, dari tahun ke tahun mereka selalu bermasalah dalam pengurusan pembuatan Kartu Tanda Penduduk dan Kartu Keluarga. Yang jelas, mereka akan mengeluhkan biaya yang besar untuk mendapatkan dua identitas sebagai penduduk Indonesia tersebut.

Lebih tak manusiawi lagi, hak politik warga Tionghoa tidak diakui. Bahkan dengan adanya UU produk rezim Orde Lama itu, warga Tionghoa dijadikan warga negara kelas dua. Salah satunya, warga Tionghoa tidak bisa jadi presiden.

Dengan tercabutnya roh diskriminatif itu, maka perempuan WNI yang melakukan kawin campur tidak lagi memusingkan kewarganegaraan anaknya dan tetekbengek lainnya. Bagi warga Tionghoa, tidak lagi memusingkan hak sipil dan politiknya. Sekarang, mereka menjadi bagian utuh dari warga Indonesia.

Tanpa banyak kata lagi, diskriminatif sudah terkubur. Yang penting sekarang adalah ke depannya. Bagaimana semua komponen masyarakat menyikapi UU Kewarganegaraan yang baru itu.

Khusus menyangkut kepentingan warga Tionghoa, perlu ada program nyata dari pemerintah untuk menghilangkan citra bahwa warga Tionghoa lebih ‘superior’ dan warga pribumi orang yang paling berhak.

Selain itu, sikap sebagian warga Tionghoa mengutamakan kepentingan golongannya daripada bangsa juga harus diubah menjadi lebih mengutamakan kepentingan bangsa daripada golongannya. Karena itu, orang Tionghoa harus ikut berdialog di kala bangsa ini mengalami transformasi nilai yang penting akhir-akhir ini.

Warga Tionghoa juga harus ikut berbicara dalam setiap aspek pembangunan nasional dan daerah. Dari situ mungkin bisa dihasilkan kebijakan yang menyeluruh, dan memasukkan aspirasi warga Tionghoa dalam menentukan nasibnya di tanah air mereka ini.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Tidak Ingin Defisit, Cari Penghasilan Tambahan (

resensi buku
21 April 2006, 19:12:20, Laporan Ria Susilo Wardhani

Tidak Ingin Defisit, Cari Penghasilan Tambahan

ssnet| Judul Buku : Mencari Penghasilan Tambahan
Penulis : Safir Senduk
Penerbit : PT Elex Media Komputindo, 2004
Halaman : 286 Hal + i - xi

Sudahkah Anda menghitung kembali pengeluaran dan pemasukan Anda ? Mana yang lebih besar, pengeluaran Anda ataukah pemasukan Anda? Jika ternyata pengeluaran lebih besar dari pemasukan, mungkin sudah tiba waktunya untuk mencari penghasilan tambahan. Tak ada salahnya kan kalau Anda mencoba.

Meningkatkan pemasukan dengan mencari penghasilan tambahan penting untuk mencegah defisit dan antisipasi kenaikan harga di masa mendatang. (Penulis)

Sejak awal dalam buku Mencari Penghasilan Tambahan, SAFIR SENDUK Konsultan Keuangan Keluarga ingin mempermudah pembacanya agar tidak perlu repot-repot membuat daftar alternatif mencari penghasilan tambahan. SAFIR sendirilah yang membantu membuat daftar sehingga pembaca tinggal membaca dan memilih dari sekian alternatif yang ada. Enak, bukan?

Dalam bukunya, SAFIR mengurai per bab secara urut tentang kiat-kiat yang dibutuhkan dalam mencari penghasilan tambahan. Dalam bab pertama, pembaca akan lebih dulu dimotivasi dengan mengetahui alasan penting bagi seseorang untuk mencari penghasilan tambahan.

Bab kedua, pembaca diperkenalkan empat langkah penting yang harus dilakukan jika ingin mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan. Mulai bab ketiga hingga bab kesepuluh, akan dibahas secara detail tentang alternatif-alternatif penghasilan tambahan yang ada di lingkungan sekitar. Alternatif yang mungkin selama ini tidak kita sadari.

Setelah mengetahui apa saja daftar alternatif penghasilan tambahan, selanjutnya dijelaskan tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing alternatif serta bagaimana tips untuk masing-masing alternatif. Sebagai bab kunci yaitu bab sebelas, pembaca akan diajak untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara memilih alternatif yang cocok dengan situasi keuangan pembaca sendiri.

Buku ini memang dikhususkan sebagai solusi bagi para pembaca yang serius mencari penghasilan tambahan. Buku ini diibaratkan sebagai cara praktis bagaimana pembaca punya alternatif penghasilan tambahan.

Apalagi menyewa perencana keuangan untuk membantu menemukan alternatif yang pas. Justru buku inilah yang akan menjadi perencana keuangan bagi pembacanya. Buku ini juga memberikan ringkasan dan contoh kasus yang ditulis dengan gaya bahasa yang sederhana dan mudah dimengerti.

Namun pembaca perlu ingat, buku ini berbeda dengan buku lain. Anda tidak bisa seketika itu juga melompat dari satu bab ke bab lain. Mengapa ? Karena untuk memahami buku ini harus membaca bab demi bab secara urut.

Butuh kesabaran memang. Tapi buku ini memang layak untuk dibaca. Apalagi bagi pembaca yang memang sungguh-sungguh ingin mencari penghasilan tambahan. Menarik bukan ? Tunggu apa lagi ?Jangan berhenti membaca sebelum Anda tahu alternatif apa yang nantinya bisa menaikkan penghasilan Anda.

taken from:

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

[tips-pemrograman]alternatif pemrograman hemat memory

semisal dalam desain algoritma sistem kontrol kecepatan Motor DC...

1. Set Kecepatan, Waktu Pengamatan
2. Hitung Jumlah RPS dari Sensor
3. Hitung Error
4. Hitung Sinyal Kontrol
5. Kirim Sinyal Kontrol ke PLANT via PP-DAC-dll
6. Ulangi langkah 2, 3, 4 dan 5 sampai Waktu Pengamatan Selesai

Efektifitas Variabel

Jenis Variabel:
1. Pecahan kepresisiannya dibagi menjadi: float dan double
2. Bulat berdasarkan signed atau unsigned.
 unsigned [unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned long]
 signed [char, int, long]

[bbi_terima]print ieee source 'n edit product

yg diprint:
#1. rujukan utama, dan
#2. proposal bbi yg diterima!.

yg diedit:
#1. buku
#2. paper

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

[penugasaneprof]kategori dasar HaKI Indonesia

Secara umum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual dapat terbagi dalam dua kategori yaitu:
Hak Cipta dan
Hak Kekayaan Industri.

Sedangkan Hak Kekayaan Industri meliputi:
Desain Industri,
Desain Tata Letak Sirkuit Terpadu,
Rahasia Dagang dan
Varietas Tanaman.

taken from: Juni2006

SK/ Keputusan/ ...terbaru bidang HaKI dapat dilihat di:


[penugasaneprof]menuliskan pertanyaan2 seputar UU HaKI

Sebutkan UU dan PP yang mengatur perlindungan HaKI di Indonesia
Untuk masing2 UU dan PP mhs diminta untuk menuliskan pertanyaan2 praktis atau konseptual seputar HaKI minimal 10 pertanyaan untuk masing2 UU.

Jml kelompok=8.
Satu kelompok=4mhs.
Jml UU + PP =see.

Tugas dikumpulkan satu minggu dari sekarang [yakni, 20Juni2006]

[penugasaneprof] survey etika yg diperlukan untuk profesi lulusan sk

berdasarkan data akreditasi prodi sk tahun 2005:
jumlah lulusan sk keseluruhannya sampai tahun 2005=113 or 133 lulusan
jumlah lulusan sk = 113 lulusan [3 tahun terakhir]
Profesi yg diminati adalah: ... ?

pertanyaan [angket?] untuk lulusan sk mengenai etika sukses ditempat pekerjaan:
#0. tempat kerja lulusan:...
#1. defenisi sukses menurut lulusan:...
#2. [a].untuk sukses ditempat kerja, etika apa yang HARUS dimiliki oleh para lulusan sk?
[b].untuk sukses ditempat kerja, seberapa PENTING anda belajar UU HaKI, UU Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual?
#3. apakah etika tersebut sudah didapat saat perkuliahan?
#4. bila sudah didapat:
[a]. anda merasa telah sukses dalam hal etika: ...%,
[b]. apa yg perlu ditambahkan agar % tsb naik hingga mendekati 100%?,
[c]. dimana letak diperlukannya penguatan/ pengayaan materi atau lainnya?,
[d]. ...opini anda...
#5. bila belum didapat: bagaimana seharusnya pihak lembaga mengatasi problem tersebut?...uraikan dengan singkat, padat dan jelas.

obyek survey: lulusan sk tiga tahun terakhir[2002, 2003, 2004].

pertanyaan2 tsb adalah untuk lulusan, anda dapat mendesain pertanyaan2 survey untuk ditujukan untuk Mahasiswa Angkatan tertentu, atau mhs sk pada khususnya!. Menurut mereka belajar etika yg bagaimana yg diperlukan untuk profesi mereka nantinya/ harapan mereka?...dipersilahkan mhs kelas etika profesi ini berimprovisasi [dalam koridor pengetahuan keilmuan yg ada]...

corner (pertanyaan berikutnya?):
bagaimana ya meningkatkan kwalitas dan kwantitas lulusan sk kedepan berdasarkan pengalaman anda selama lulus dari sk?

answer post test P10 Control System Lab.

1. positip
2. negatif
3. [1].memberi inputan negatif sambil menyesuaikan indikator penunjuk pada servoboard pada yg dikehendaki dengan mengontrol Vu (atau potensiometer input).--->time settlingnya relatif cepat [45-0]
3. [2].memberi inputan positip sambil menyesuaikan indikator penunjuk pada servoboard pada yg dikehendaki dengan mengontrol Vu (atau potensiometer input).--->waktu untuk mencapai 0 derajat (setpoint) relatif lebih lama karena harus berputar lebih lama (45-90-135-270-0]
4. [1].memberi inputan positip sambil menyesuaikan indikator penunjuka pada servoboard yg dikehendaki, dengan mengontrol Vu (atau potensiometer input).-->waktunya relatif cepat.[45-90-135-180]
4. [2].memberi inputan negatif sambil menyesuaikan indikator penunjuka pada servoboard yg dikehendaki, dengan mengontrol Vu (atau potensiometer input)-->waktu untuk mencapai keadaan 180derajat lebih lama dibandingkan dengan 4.[1]. [45-0-270-235-180]

test akhir prakt. 10 sistem pengaturan

test akhir:
1. CW didapat dengan Vin= ... [a]negatif, [b].positip ...pilih salah satu
2. CCW didapat dengan Vin= ... [a]negatif, [b].positip ...pilih salah satu
3. Bagaimana cara menentukan setpoint 0 derajat, bila saat ini servo dalam posisi 45 derajat?
4. Bagaimana cara menentukan setpoint 180 derajat, bila saat ini servo dalam posisi 45 derajat?
5. diberikan gambar sbb:
a. T=...
b. kecepatan sudut=...
c. gambar tersebut diperoleh dengan Vin=... [a].positip, [b]. negatif ...pilih salah satu.
6. diberikan gambar sbb:
a. T=...
b. kecepatan sudut=...
c. gambar tersebut diperoleh dengan Vin=... [a].positip, [b]. negatif ...pilih salah satu.

penilaian dan FAQ untuk perc. 10 sistem pengaturan

20:penggambaran pada oscilloscope 1
20:penggambaran pada oscilloscope 2
20:pengisian pada 1/2 tabel
20:pengisian pada 1/2 tabel

1. bagaimana menentukan waktu satu putaran penuh, dari tampilan outout di oscilloscope?
2. bagaimana menentukan kecepatan sudut pada putaran motor servo board?
3. apa yg dimaksud dengan Uw=4V, dan bagaimana memastikannya di oscilloscope?
4apa yg dimaksud dengan perubahan statik thryistor dari motor?
5. yang seperti penunjuk arah pada servo board apa?
6. thrystor itu maksudnya apa?
7. apa guna derajat pemutar pada servoboard?
8. di servo board ada simbol z, apa maksudnya?
9.apa arti lingkaran pada servoboard?
10.apa fungsi dari reflective sensor?
11. bagaimana memperbesar/ memperkecil derajat/posisi piringan?
12. apa fungsi dari Urev?

Friday, June 09, 2006


Perbandingan antara Performansi Suatu Sistem Identifikasi Statis
dan Dinamis pada Motor DC

Beberapa sistem dinamik, seperti mekanik, listrik, hidraulik, dan sebagainya, dapat dikarakterisasikan dengan persamaan diferensial (Ogata, 1996). Telah banyak buku dan penelitian yang membahas pemodelan dinamika dari Motor DC, salah satunya dalam bentuk eksperimen telah diuraikan Purba dalam penelitiannya hingga menemukan persamaan (model) yang merepresentasikan karakteristik dinamika suatu motor jenis DC (Purba, L.P. 2004).
Meskipun dengan model persamaan diferensial yang telah didapat dari metode identifikasi statis telah dapat dipakai dalam desain pengendali PID baginya, tetapi tidak ada salahnya bila pemodelan dinamika perlu dilakukan lagi khususnya untuk motor DC lainnya. Salah satu tujuannya adalah agar kemungkinan untuk melihat keduanya secara proporsional dapat terlaksana. Karena dengan demikian keunggulan masing-masing dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal.
Penelitian ini menguraikan tentang bagaimana pelaksanaan identifikasi secara dinamis pada suatu perangkat sistem Motor DC dengan menggunakan masukan deret biner acak semu atau Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) (Hermida, 2001). Kemudian tanggapan perangkat sistem/ plant Motor DC terhadap sinyal masukan tersebut dianalisa untuk mendapatkan persamaan model dinamikanya. Persamaan model dinamika hasil identifikasi (eksperimen) diperiksa kedekatannya dengan menyimulasikan model tersebut dengan MATLAB. Kriteria norm error (Gray, 1997) sebagai indikator kedekatan antara persamaan model hasil identifikasi (eksperimen) dengan hasil simulasi kemudian diperiksa. Norm yang terkecil adalah model dinamika yang direkomendasikan untuk dipakai.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah berupa grafik perbandingan tanggapan sistem/ plant berdasarkan persamaan model hasil identifikasi statis dengan persamaan model hasil identifikasi dinamis. Diusahakan penerapan suatu kontroler yang sama (misalnya kontroler Proporsional, dan lain sebagainya) untuk mencapai performansi tertentu pada kedua persamaan model tersebut. Kontroler yang didesain berdasarkan hasil identifikasi statis maupun dinamis divisualisasikan hasilnya pada Komputer dengan SIMULINK pada MATLAB. Selanjutnya kontroler tersebut juga diterapkan terhadap real sistem/ plant Motor DC, dan tanggapan waktu dari sistem/ plant kemudian divisualisasikan dalam bentuk grafik. Dengan demikian perbandingan performansi hasil identifikasi sistem tersebut diperoleh secara khusus sekali.

Kata kunci: Identifikasi, Performansi Sistem, Motor DC, PRBS, Norm Error

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Beasiswa Australia terbaru (Non-ADS n APS)?

----- Original Message -----
From: Iwan Halim S
To: akits ; ; pmkgroupsSent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 3:18 PM
Subject: [akits] Fwd: Info Beasiswa Australia terbaru (Non-ADS & APS) wrote:

1. Endeavour Indonesia Research FellowshipsMaksimum 10 beasiswa bagi WNI untuk belajar pascasarjana dan jugaterbuka bagi siswa postdoctoral untuk melakukan riset jangka pendek diAustralia.Beasiswa sebesar A$ 25,000 yang terdiri dari travel allowance A$ 5,000; establishment allowance A$ 5,000 dan biaya saku per bulan A$ 2,500 (untuk maksimum 6 bulan)Beasiswa diberikan untuk riset selama 4 sampai 6 bulan.Peserta sudah harus menyelesaikan S1 dan memiliki IELTS 6.5/ TOEFLInternasional 230 (essay writing 4.5)Website: dibuka tanggal 26 April ditutup tanggal 14 Juli 2006

2. Endeavour Postgraduare AwardsMaksimum 40 beasiswa penuh untuk studi pascasarjana baik dengan risetataupun tidak, terbuka untuk semua bidang studi. Beasiswa inidiperuntukkan bagi siswa dari negara-negara yang ditunjuk, termasukdari Indonesia.Siswa harus belajar di Australia selama minimum 1 tahun dan maksimum3.5 tahunBeasiswa sebesar A$ 195,000 yang terdiri dari travel allowance A$ 5,000; Establishment allowance A$ 5,000; uang saku A$ 2,500 per bulan(maksimum 3.5 tahun); biaya kuliah A$ 10,000 per semesterBeasiswa juga termasuk belajar bahasa inggris selama 1 semester biladibutuhkanPeserta harus sudah menyelesaikan sarjana dan memiliki nilai tes IELTS5.5/TOEFL 183 (Essay writing 4.5)Website: dibuka tanggal 29 Mei ditutup tanggal 25 Agustus 2006

3. Endeavour Executive AwardsMaksimum 41 beasiswa untuk para professional di bidang bisnis,industri, pendidikan atau pegawai pemerintah untuk mengembangkankeahlian dan pengetahuan di bidangnya. Terbuka untuk paraprofessional dari negara-negara yang ditunjuk, termasuk dari IndonesiaLama pendidikan antara 1 sampai 4 bulanPersyaratan minimum sudah menyelesaikan Sarjana di negara-negaraberbahasa Inggris atau meminta surat referensi dari Atase Pendidikan,Sains dan Pelatihan yang akan diberikan berdasarkan interview (listada di website).Beasiswa sebesar A$ 25,000 terdiri dari travel allowance A$ 5,000;establishment allowance A$ 5,000; uang saku A$ 3,750 (maksimum 4bulan)Website: dibuka tanggal 15 Mei ditutup tanggal 18 Agustus 2006

4. Endeavour VTE AwardsMaksimum 20 beasiswa penuh untuk belajar di jenjang Diploma danAdvanced Diploma baik di akademi swasta maupun pemerintah dan terbukauntuk semua bidang studi. Terbuka untuk siswa dari negara-negara yangditunjuk, termasuk dari IndonesiaLama pendidikan maksimum 2.5 tahun termasuk 1 semester belajar bahasaInggris (bila diperlukan)Beasiswa sebesar A$ 95,000 terdiri dari travel allowance A$ 5,000;establishment allowance A$ 4,000; biaya kuliah sebesar A$ 13,000 pertahun; uang saku A$ 1,500 per bulan (maksimum 2.5 tahun); biayabelajar bahasa Inggris maksimum A$ 15,000 (bila dibutuhkan)Memiliki ijasah SMA dan nilai IELTS 6/TOEFL 210 (Essay writing 4.5).Siswa akan diberikan kursus bahasa Inggris selama 1 semester bilamemiliki nilai minimum IELTS 5/TOEFL 180Website: dibuka tanggal 26 April ditutup tanggal 31 Juli 2006

5. Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)330 beasiswa per tahun untuk studi S2 dan S3 melalui penelitian (byresearch)Biaya studi dan asuransi kesehatan ditanggung penuh.Beasiswa berlaku 2 (dua) tahun untuk Masters dan 3 (tiga) tahun untukDoktoralPendaftaran dengan menghubungi langsung universitas yang diinginkandan formulir pendaftaran dapat di download dari website masing-masinguniversitasWebsite : dikirim langsung ke universitas masing - masingPendaftaran dan penutupan harus langsung ditanyakan ke universitasyang dituju

6. Endeavour Asia Awards30 beasiswa untuk pelamar dari Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand,Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam dan India (maksimum 4 per Negara)Ditujukan bagi yang akan melanjutkan studi Pascasarjana ke Australiaatau bagi mahasiswa pascasarjana yang ingin melakukan riset diAustralia dalam rangka menyelesaikan pascasarjananya di IndonesiaBeasiswa maksimum A$ 50,000 yang terdiri dari travel allowancesejumlah A$5,000, establishment allowance sejumlah A$5,000 dantunjangan bulanan sebesar A$3,333 untuk maksimum 12 bulan, hanya untukpenerima beasiswaMinimum tinggal 1 semester, maksimum 3 tahun (namun beasiswa tetaphanya diberikan untuk tahun pertama saja)Siswa harus belajar di tahun 2007IELTS minimum 6.5 atau TOEFL 580 dan TWE 4.5 atau Computer Based TOEFL230 dan Essay Rating 4.5Formulir aplikasi dan informasi lengkap dapat dibuka dari website :
Applikasi terdapat di prosedur pengiriman aplikasi di
Pendaftaran dibuka 29 Mei 2006 ditutup 25 Agustus 2006

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Monday, June 05, 2006

Identification System-->STATIS [IDSTA.CPP]

#include #include #include #include #include #include
//Inisialisasi Komunikasi Data Parallel Port#define ppdata 0x03bc#define ppstatus 0x03bd#define ppcontrol 0x03be
int RoundToInt(float fff){ float f = (int) fff; float ff = fff - f; if (ff >= 0.5) return ceil(fff); else return floor(fff);}
void main(){// long int s4dkk, bit4; unsigned char s4dkk, bit4;//pengambilan data dari parport adalah char krn itu maka pakai unsigned char float Ref,rps2volt; int waktu;//, rps2volt; int Decimal_U0; int cWaktu; int putaran = 0; int key = 0; struct time t; long start, stop, T; int gDriver = DETECT, gMode, errorCode; char buffer[64];
// Mempersiapkan Penulisan File FILE*ujirataan; char*nama_file="idsta014.txt"; if ((ujirataan=fopen(nama_file,"w+"))==NULL) { printf("Gagal membuka berkas untuk menulis data."); exit(1); }
initgraph(&gDriver, &gMode, "c:\\tc\\bgi"); errorCode = graphresult(); if (errorCode != grOk) { printf("Error Loading Graphics\n"); exit(0); }
//Ref. dan Waktu diberikan dari Keyboard (dalam Volt dan Detik) printf("Teg. Referensi, V (1.57 s/d 5.00) : "); scanf("%f", &Ref); printf("Waktu Pengamatan (detik) : "); scanf("%d", &waktu);
cWaktu = 1;
Decimal_U0=RoundToInt(Ref/5*255);//Pembulatan ke atas atau kebawah: Vmax=5VDC=0..255Decimal outportb(ppdata,0); outportb(ppdata,Decimal_U0);
gettime(&t); start = (long)t.ti_hour*60*60*100 + t.ti_min*60*100 + t.ti_sec*100 + t.ti_hund;

do {
putaran = 0;
//s4dkk adalah semua bit dari paralel port
// bit4=s4dkk & 0x60;
//4digit mewakili 16 bit karena integer: MASKING dilakukan //ppstatus menunjuk ke bit yang keempat dari 8 bit shg: 0001 0000 = 0x10 }
while (s4dkk == 127);
// bit4=s4dkk & 0x60;
//4digit mewakili 16 bit karena integer
while (s4dkk == 111);
//Variabel untuk menampung jumlah putaran selama waktu Periode Sampling, T (=(start-stop)/100) dengan satuan detik putaran++;
//Ambil waktu PC dalam satuan PER SERATUS DETIK (1/100 detik atau 10ms)
stop=(long)t.ti_hour*60*60*100+t.ti_min*60*100+ t.ti_sec*100+t.ti_hund;
while (stop-start < 100);
//Periode Sampling, T = 100*(1/100) det = 1 detik.
//Periode Sampling (detik) //T=(stop-start)/100;


// rps2volt=(((putaran-14)/28)*3.432)+1.568;
//Simpan Data di File fprintf(ujirataan,"%d\t%1.2f\t%d\n", cWaktu, Ref, putaran);//, rps2volt);
//Pertukaran variabel untuk sampling berikutnya start = stop;
//Variabel untuk Pengecheckan Waktu dinaikkan cWaktu++;
if (kbhit()) { key = getch(); if (key == 0) key = getch(); } } while (cWaktu <= waktu && key != 27);//esc outportb(ppdata,0); outportb(ppdata,0);}

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

tugas klipping: menemukan permasalahan seputar HaKI

Jakarta - Menerapkan prinsip terbuka dalam mengembangkan aplikasi peranti lunak komputer kini jadi strategi para vendor software komputer dunia yang selama ini menerapkan prinsip lisensi tertutup. Dorongan ke arah open source didasari oleh penolakan masyarakat dunia pada produk berlisensi atau proprietary. Di Eropa, sekitar 80 masyarakat di kawasan itu menolak peranti lunak proprietary. Karena itu Spanyol misalnya mengembangkan program open source yang disebut Extra Madura. Lalu kerja sama antara Jerman dan Afrika Selatan menghasilkan program Ubuntu. Di Asia, China dan Korea Selatan juga mengembangkan software aplikasi officenya yang berbasis open source. Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Sofyan Djalil, Minggu (3/7), mengatakan, pemerintah juga akan menyediakan peranti lunak open source sebagai alternatif untuk menghargai hak atas kekayaan intelektual (HAKI). Sebagai langkah awal, akan ada sensus untuk mengetahui berapa unit komputer yang digunakan lembaga pemerintah. Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika juga menghimbau pimpinan lembaga pemerintahan agar memakai peranti lunak berlisensi dan membuka kemungkinan pemanfaatan peranti lunak open source. Kantor Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup misalnya sudah menggunakan Linux dari open source untuk firewall, web, dan mail server. รข€Sebagian besar lainnya menggunakan peranti lunak berlisensi seharga 120.000 dollar AS, termasuk untuk operating system dan office,รข€ kata Drs Maulyani Djajadilaga, Manajer IT Bidang Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Kantor Menneg LH. Komitmen Pemerintah Indonesia terhadap perlindungan karya cipta peranti lunak memang sudah direalisasikan dengan mewujudkan Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2002 tentang Hak Cipta yang berlaku efektif sejak 29 Juli 2003. Namun, dunia internasional menilai upaya negara melindungi peranti lunak belum maksimal. Kerja sama riset Karena itu, vendor besar komputer di antaranya Microsoft dan Sun Microsystem menawarkan kerja sama dengan lembaga riset dan perguruan tinggi di tiap negara untuk membuka kode sumber agar bisa dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Microsoft misalnya, menindaklanjuti pertemuan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dengan Bill Gates, akan merintis pendirian pusat riset peranti lunak di Indonesia. Seperti dikemukakan Tony Chen, President Director Microsoft Indonesia, jenis riset di Indonesia kemungkinan di bidang animasi, yang diharapkan menjadi unggulan dibanding pusat riset serupa di China dan India. Saat ini bisnis peranti lunak animasi masih didominasi Jepang, sementara perancangan open source software (OSS) belum banyak tertuju pada pembuatan games software. รข€Padahal, 80 persen penggunaan layanan di kafe atau warung internet adalah games. Inilah tantangan bagi pengembang OSS,รข€ jelas Harry Kaligis, General Manager Business Development Sun Microsystem Indonesia. Untuk membangun pusat riset software di Indonesia mau tak mau Microsoft harus membuka kode sumber softwarenya kepada mitra kerjanya di tiap negara sehingga bisa memunculkan aplikasi produk lokal. Sun Microsystem menggandeng lembaga riset di banyak negara termasuk China, Vietnam, Thailand, dan Indonesia untuk pengembangan aplikasi berbasis Star Office sesuai dengan kebutuhan lokal. Cara itu telah menghasilkan software lokal bernama Neo Sine di China. (BOY/nes) Sumber : Kompas (4/7/05) ***

Etika Profesi Pertemuan 3 Stl UTS

Tanya Jawab Hak Kekayaan Intelektual secara umum

Kategori > Tanya Jawab
1. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan hak kekayaan intelektual?
Hak kekayaan intelektual, disingkat "HKI"atau akronim "HaKI", adalah padanan kata yang biasa digunakan untuk Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), yakni hak yang timbul bagi hasil olah pikir otak yang menghasilkan suatu produk atau proses yang berguna untuk manusia.
Pada intinya HaKI adalah hak untuk menikmati secara ekonomis hasil dari suatu kreativitas intelektual. Objek yang diatur dalam HaKI adalah karya-karya yang timbul atau lahir karena kemampuan intelektual manusia.

2. Mencakup apa sajakah HaKI itu ?
Secara garis besar HaKI dibagi dalam 2 (dua) bagian, yaitu:
1. Hak cipta (copyrights);
2. Hak kekayaan industri (industrial property rights), yang mencakup:
· Paten;
· Desain industri (industrial designs);
· Merek;
· Penanggulangan praktik persaingan curang (repression of unfair competition);
· Desain tata letak sirkuit terpadu (integrated circuits);
· Rahasia dagang (trade secret);
3. Badan apakah yang berwenang mengurus HaKI di Indonesia ?
Direktorat Jenderal Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, Departemen Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi Manusia RI.
4. Jelaskan tugas dan fungsi Direktorat Jenderal Hak Kekayaan Intelektual!
Direktorat Jenderal Hak Kekayaan Intelektual yang selanjutnya disebut Ditjen HaKI mempunyai tugas menyelenggarakan tugas departemen di bidang HaKI berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan kebijakan Menteri.
Ditjen HaKI mempunyai fungsi:
a. Perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan kebijakan teknis di bidang HaKI;
b. Pembinaan yang meliputi pemberian bimbingan, pelayanan, dan penyiapan standar di bidang HaKI;
c. Pelayanan teknis dan administratif kepada semua unsur di lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal HaKI;
5. Bagaimana susunan organisasi Direktorat Jenderal HaKI ?
Direktorat Jenderal HaKI terdiri dari:
a. Sekretariat Direktorat Jenderal;
b. Direktorat Hak Cipta, Desain Industri, Tata Letak Sirkit Terpadu, dan Rahasia Dagang;
c. Direktorat Paten;
d. Direktorat Merek;
e. Direktorat Kerjasama dan Pengembangan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual;
f. Direktorat Teknologi Informasi;
6. Apakah Indonesia terlibat dalam perjanjian-perjanjian internasional di bidang HaKI?
Ya. Pada tahun 1994, Indonesia masuk sebagai anggota WTO (World Trade Organization) dengan meratifikasi hasil Putaran Uruguay yaitu Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (Persetujuan Pembentukan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia). Salah satu bagian penting dari Persetujuan WTO adalah Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Including Trade In Counterfeit Goods (TRIPs). Sejalan dengan TRIPs, Pemerintah Indonesia juga telah meratifikasi konvensi-konvensi Internasional di bidang HaKI, yaitu:
a. Paris Convention for the protection of Industrial Property and Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organizations, dengan Keppres No. 15 Tahun 1997 tentang perubahan Keppres No. 24 Tahun 1979;
b. Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and Regulation under the PCT, dengan Keppres No. 16 Tahun 1997;
c. Trademark Law Treaty (TML) dengan Keppres No. 17 Tahun 1997;
d. Bern Convention.for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works dengan Keppres No. 18 Tahun 1997;
e. WIPO Copyrights Treaty (WCT) dengan KeppresNo. 19 Tahun 1997;
7. Badan apakah yang secara internasional mengurus masalah HaKI dan apakah Indonesia termasuk salah satu anggotanya?
Badan tersebut adalah World Intellectual Property Organizations (WlPO}, suatu badan khusus PBB, dan Indonesia termasuk salah satu anggotanya dengan diratifikasinya Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organizations, sebagaimana tersebut dalam nomor 6 di atas.
8. Bagaimanakah kedudukan HaKI di mata dunia Internasional?
Memasuki milenium baru, hak kekayaan in telektual menjadi isu yang sangat penting yang selalu mendapat perhatian baik dalam forum nasional maupun internasional Dimasukkannya TRIPS dalam paket Persetujuan WTO di tahun 1994 menandakan dimulainya era baru perkembangan HaKI di seluruh dunia. Dengan demikian pada saat ini permasalahan HaKI tidak dapat dilepaskan dari dunia perdagangan dan investasi. Pentingnya HaKI dalam pembangunan ekonomi dan perdagangan telah memacu dimulainya era baru pembangunan ekonomi yang berdasar ilmu pengetahuan.
9. Bagaimana pengaturan HaKI di Indonesia ?
Peraturan perundangan HaKI di Indonesia dimulai sejak masa penjajahan Belanda dengan diundangkannya Octrooi Wet No. 136 Staatsblad 1911 No. 313, Industrieel Eigendom Kolonien 1912 dan Auterswet 1912 Staatsblad 1912 No. 600.
Setelah Indonesia merdeka, Menteri Kehakiman RI mengeluarkan pengumuman No. JS 5/41 tanggal 12 Agustus 1953 dan No. JG 1/2/17 tanggal 29 Agustus 1953 tentang Pendaftaran Sementara Paten. Pada tahun 1961, Pemerintah RI mengesahkan Undang-undang No. 21
Tahun 1961 tentang Merek. Kemudian pada tahun 1982, Pemerintah juga mengundangkan Undang-undang No. 6 Tahun 1982 tentang Hak Cipta. Di bidang paten, Pemerintah mengundangkan Undang-undang No. 6 Tahun 1989 tentang Paten yang mulai efektif berlaku tahun 1991. Di tahun 1992, Pemerintah mengganti Undang-undang No. 21 Tahun 1961 tentang Merek dengan Undang-undang No. 19 Tahun 1992 tentang Merek.
Sejalan dengan masuknya Indonesia sebagai anggota WTO/TRIPs dan diratifikasinya beberapa konvensi internasional di bidang HaKI sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam jawaban no. 7 di atas, maka Indonesia harus menyelaraskan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang
HaKI. Untuk itu, pada tahun 1997 Pemerintah merevisi kembali beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang HaKI, den gan mengundangkan:
· Undang-undang No. 12 Tahun 1997 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-undang No. 6 Tahun 1982 sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-undang No. 7 Tahun 1987 tentang Hak Cipta;
· Undang-undang No. 13 Tahun 1997 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-undang No. 6 Tahun 1989 tentang Paten;
· Undang-undang No. 14 Tahun 1997 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-undang No. 19 Tahun 1992 tentang Merek;
Selain ketiga undang-undang tersebut di atas, pada tahun 2000 Pemerintah juga mengundangkan:
· Undang-undang No. 30 Tahun 2000 tentang Rahasia Dagang;
· Undang-undang No. 31 Tahun 2000 tentang Desain Industri;
· Undang-undang No. 32 Tahun 2000 tentang Desain Tata Letak Sirkuit Terpadu.
Dengan pertimbangan masih perlu dilakukan penyempurnaan terhadap undang-undang tentang hak cipta, paten, dan merek yang diundangkan tahun 1997, maka ketiga undangundang tersebut telah direvisi kembali pada tahun 2001. Selanjutnya telah diundangkan:
· Undang-undang No. 14 Tahun 2001 tentang Paten; dan
· Undang-undang No. 15 Tahun 2001 tentang Merek.
(khusus mengenai revisi UU tentang Hak Cipta saat ini masih dalam proses pembahasan di DPR)
10. Jelaskan bagaimanakah sistem HaKI itu ?
Sistem HaKI merupakan hak privat (private rights). Disinilah ciri khas HaKI. Seseorang bebas untuk mengajukan permohonan atau mendaftarkan karya intelektualnya atau tidak. Hak eksklusif yang diberikan Negara kepada individu pelaku HaKI (inventor, pencipta, pendesain dan sebagainya) tiada lain dimaksudkan sebagai penghargaan atas hasil karya (kreativitas)nya dan agar orang lain terangsang untuk dapat lebih lanjut mengembangkannya lagi, sehingga dengan sistem HaKI tersebut kepentingan masyarakat ditentukan melalui mekanisme pasar.
Di samping itu sistem HaKI menunjang diadakannya sistem dokumentasi yang baik atas segala bentuk kreativitas manusia sehingga kemungkinan dihasilkannya teknologi atau hasil karya lainnya yang sama dapat dihindarkan/dicegah. Dengan dukungan dokumentasi yang baik tersebut, diharapkan masyarakat dapat memanfaatkannya dengan maksimal untuk keperluan hidupnya atau mengembangkannya lebih lanjut untuk memberikan nilai tambah yang lebih tinggi lagi.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

CI #11.04.06

Yohannes 18:15-27

#1. Ay.20-21 menyatakan bahwa psg (murid2) yang sungguhlah dapat dijadikan ukuran pertangungjawaban atas apa yg saya perbuat...

#2. Dari Yoh 13:37 aku diingatkan agar supaya tidak sesumbar, tetapi dengan bersandar penuh kepada Roh Kudus. Tetapi cepat untuk mendengar dan lambat untuk berbicara.

Tujuan kedua point tersebut bagi saya: agar robust/ kokoh dalam pendirian dan iman...

Salam, Lasman

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


TODAY: RABU, 22.02.06

KAMIS, 23.02.06
ambil data di lab. about C/C++ micro untuk melengkapi alur berikut:
Perbandingan hasil pada MATLAB, Program C++, uC AT89S51 dan pada Oscilloscope


Script pada MATLAB



Program PID KONTROLLER dalam C/C++ (File: PID_THOK.CPP)


//Inisialisasi Komunikasi Data Parallel Port
#define ppdata 0x0378
#define ppstatus 0x0379
#define ppcontrol 0x037a

void main()
unsigned char s4dkk, bit4, ActualConv;
float K2=0.0, K1=0.0, K0=0.0, Kp=0.0, Ki=0.0, Kd=0.0;
int Ref;
float E0=0.0, E1=0.0, E2=0.0, U0=0.0, U1=0.0, U2=0.0;
int Desimal_U0, Desimal_E0;
int cWaktu, waktu;
int putaran = 0;
int key = 0;
struct time t;
long start, stop, T;
int gDriver = DETECT, gMode, errorCode;
int aa, bb;
char buffer[64];

// Mempersiapkan Penulisan File
if ((ujirataan=fopen(nama_file,"w+"))==NULL)
printf("Gagal membuka berkas untuk menulis data.");

initgraph(&gDriver, &gMode, "c:\\tc\\bgi");
errorCode = graphresult();
if (errorCode != grOk) {
printf("Error Loading Graphics\n");

//Ref. dan Waktu diberikan dari Keyboard (dalam Jumlah Putaran Tiap Detik, RPS)
printf("Teg. Referensi, V (1.57 s/d 5.00) : ");
scanf("%d", &Ref);
printf("Waktu Pengamatan (detik) : ");
scanf("%d", &waktu);
// printf("Kp : "); scanf("%4.2f", &Kp);
// printf("Ki : "); scanf("%4.2f", &Ki);
// printf("Kd : "); scanf("%4.2f", &Ki);

cWaktu = 1;

start = (long)t.ti_hour*60*60*100 + t.ti_min*60*100 +
t.ti_sec*100 + t.ti_hund;

putaran = 0;
{ putaran++;

//Ambil waktu PC dalam satuan PER SERATUS DETIK (atau 10ms)
while (stop-start < 100); //periode sampling, T = 100*(1/100) det = 1 detik.

//Periode Sampling (detik)


//Masukan untuk Controller
E0=Ref;//Untuk OLTF

//Pemberian Nilai Kp, Ki, dan Kd

//Konstanta dari Persamaan Diskrit dari U(z)/E(z)...PID Controller
K2=(float) Kp+(0.5*Ki*T)+((2*Kd)/T);
K1=(float) (Ki*T)-((4*Kd)/T);
K0=(float) -Kp+(0.5*Ki*T)+((2*Kd)/T);

//Persamaan Diskrit dari PID Controller

//Simpan Data di File
fprintf(ujirataan,"%d\t %d\t %5.2f\t %5.2f\t %5.2f\t %5.2f\n", cWaktu, Ref, U0, U1, U2, E0);

//Pertukaran variabel untuk sampling berikutnya
start = stop;

//Variabel untuk Pengecheckan Waktu dinaikkan

if (kbhit())
key = getch();
if (key == 0)
key = getch();
while (cWaktu <= waktu && key != 27);//esc


TIGA: PID CONTROLLER pada Mikrokontroller AT89C51

LOADING program ke Mikrokontroller


JUMAT, 24.02.06
ada rapat snasti2006, r.rapat
dateline...janji saya about paper ke gematek march.ed.06

Monday, February 20, 2006


#include #include #include #include #include
#define pa 0x3E0#define pb 0x3E1#define pc 0x3E2 // Konfigurasi Pengalamatan PPI8255#define cw 0x3E3#define ct 0x90 // ADC ED-Laboratory
//90h = 1001/0000 --Port A adalah Input shg Port A di Set = 1.// --Port B adalah Output shg Port B di Set = 0.// --Port C tidak dipakai shg Port C di Set = 0./sbg output//Urutan BIT : cw-0-0-pa/pc_up-0-pb-pc_low --=8Bit
void main(){ FILE*HexADC_HexDAC; int HexADC; float VRef, VinADC; int t, i; float Error, u; char*nama_file="Ident002.txt"; clrscr();
/* Ini diubah-ubah untuk melihat VRef yang berubah-ubah juga*/ /*HexVRef=128*/ VRef= 4.5; HexADC=0; VinADC=0; t=0; /*Error=0;*/
// Mempersiapkan Penulisan File if ((HexADC_HexDAC=fopen(nama_file,"w+"))==NULL) { printf("Gagal membuka berkas untuk menulis data."); exit(1); } /*Mempersiapakan Komunikasi Data via PPI dg Setting cw dengan nilai ct=90h*/ //Mereset Komunikasi Via PPI--OFF-kan Command WRITE ADC to START Command outportb(cw,ct);
// for (HexVRef=256;HexVRef>0; HexVRef--) do { /*Bagaimana supaya HexVRef berubah-ubah dan bagaimana responsnya? */// randomize(); // rNDOMNYA banyak kem,ungkinan, tanpa ini maka randomn*/// HexVRef=rand()%256; delay(100);
/*Mengirin Data Hexa via Port B ke DAC*/ //outportb(pb,HexVRef); /*Konversi Tegangan Referensi (digital) ke Analog*/ //VRef=HexVRef*0.0305;// Max.=8V
/*Mengambil Nilai ADC*/// HexADC = inportb(pa); /*Memberi semacam clocknya untuk WRITE command dan INT command*/// outportb(pc,0x01);// Meng-OFF-kan WRITE Command pada ADC// outportb(pc,0x02);// Meng-ON-kan WRITE Command pada ADC
/*Konversi Tegangan Digital ke Tegangan Analog*/ //VoTG=HexADC*0.0305;
outportb(pc,0x01);//Menge-SET RD=1, ADC=0, INT=tetap 1 [artinya : PC memBACA isi Buffer ADC] delay(100); outportb(pc,0x00);//Menge-SET RD=1, ADC=0, INT=tetap 1 [artinya : PC memBACA isi Buffer ADC] delay(100); HexADC = inportb(pa);//PC memBACA bit ADC dalam Hex, ADC meNULIS ke PC dan nilainya di simpan pada HexADC
//outportb(pc,0x02);//Menge-SET RD=1, ADC=0, INT=tetap 1 [artinya : PC memBACA isi Buffer ADC] //Perubahan Vin tidak merubah tampilan pada Monitor PC gotoxy(1,6);clreol();printf("Data dari ADC (HEX) :");printf("%d",HexADC); gotoxy(1,7);printf("Teg. Masuk ADC (mV) :");clreol();VinADC=HexADC*0.0305; printf("%d",VinADC);
/*Menulis Hasil Pembacaan ke File*/ fprintf(HexADC_HexDAC,"%d\t %f\t %f\n", t, VRef, VinADC); outportb(pc,0x02);// Meng-ON-kan WRITE Command pada ADC gotoxy(1,9);printf("Tekan tombol sembarang untuk keluar"); } while (!kbhit()); outportb(cw,ct);//Mereset/ meng-off-kan motor setelah do -on-kan di Loop}



//Inisialisasi Komunikasi Data Parallel Port
#define ppdata 0x0378
#define ppstatus 0x0379
#define ppcontrol 0x037a
void main(){ unsigned char s4dkk, bit4, ActualConv; float K2=0.0, K1=0.0, K0=0.0, Kp=0.0, Ki=0.0, Kd=0.0; int Ref; float E0=0.0, E1=0.0, E2=0.0, U0=0.0, U1=0.0, U2=0.0; int Desimal_U0, Desimal_E0; int cWaktu, waktu; int putaran = 0; int key = 0; struct time t; long start, stop, T; int gDriver = DETECT, gMode, errorCode; int aa, bb; char buffer[64];

// Mempersiapkan Penulisan File
FILE*ujirataan; char*nama_file="pid0003.txt"
if ((ujirataan=fopen(nama_file,"w+"))==NULL)
{ printf("Gagal membuka berkas untuk menulis data."); exit(1); }

initgraph(&gDriver, &gMode, "c:\\tc\\bgi");
errorCode = graphresult();
if (errorCode != grOk)
{ printf("Error Loading Graphics\n");
exit(0); }
//Ref. dan Waktu diberikan dari Keyboard (dalam Jumlah Putaran Tiap Detik, RPS)
printf("Teg. Referensi, V (1.57 s/d 5.00) : ");
scanf("%d", &Ref);
printf("Waktu Pengamatan (detik) : ");
scanf("%d", &waktu);
// printf("Kp : ");
scanf("%4.2f", &Kp);
// printf("Ki : ");
scanf("%4.2f", &Ki);
// printf("Kd : ");
scanf("%4.2f", &Ki);
cWaktu = 1;
start = (long)t.ti_hour*60*60*100 + t.ti_min*60*100 + t.ti_sec*100 + t.ti_hund;
do { putaran = 0;
do { putaran++;

//Ambil waktu PC dalam satuan PER SERATUS DETIK (atau 10ms)
stop=(long)t.ti_hour*60*60*100+t.ti_min*60*100+ t.ti_sec*100+t.ti_hund; }
while (stop-start < 100);
//periode sampling, T = 100*(1/100) det = 1 detik.
//Periode Sampling (detik)
//Masukan untuk Controller
E0=Ref;//Untuk OLTF
//Pemberian Nilai Kp, Ki, dan Kd
Kp=0.5; Ki=0.1; Kd=0.0;
//Konstanta dari Persamaan Diskrit dari U(z)/E(z)...PID Controller
K2=(float) Kp+(0.5*Ki*T)+((2*Kd)/T);
K1=(float) (Ki*T)-((4*Kd)/T);
K0=(float) -Kp+(0.5*Ki*T)+((2*Kd)/T);
//Persamaan Diskrit dari PID Controller U0=(float)(K2*E0)+(K1*E1)+(K0*E2)+0.0*U1+U2;
//Simpan Data di File fprintf(ujirataan,"%d\t %d\t %5.2f\t %5.2f\t %5.2f\t %5.2f\n", cWaktu, Ref, U0, U1, U2, E0);
//Pertukaran variabel untuk sampling berikutnya start = stop; E2=E1; E1=E0; U2=U1; U1=U0;
//Variabel untuk Pengecheckan Waktu dinaikkan cWaktu++;
if (kbhit()) { key = getch(); if (key == 0) key = getch(); } } while (cWaktu <= waktu && key != 27);//esc}

Friday, February 17, 2006

Top 100 Documents Accessed per Dec 2005 [ieeexplore]

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Summary: The IEEE 802.16 family of standards and its associated industry consortium, WiMax, promise to deliver high data rates over large areas to a large number of users in the near future. This exciting addition to current broadband options such as DSL, cab... Abstract Full Text: PDF (526 KB) 2. What is Bluetooth?McDermott-Wells, P.Potentials, IEEEVolume 23, Issue 5, Date: Dec. 2004-Jan. 2005, Pages: 33- 35Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MP.2005.1368913
Summary: Bluetooth is a standard for short range, low power, and low cost wireless communication that uses radio technology. Over 2100 companies around the world already support Bluetooth technology. The wireless personal area network (WPAN) technology, based... Abstract Full Text: PDF (545 KB) 3. A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications inspeech recognitionRabiner, L.R.Proceedings of the IEEEVolume 77, Issue 2, Date: Feb 1989, Pages: 257-286Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/5.18626
Summary: This tutorial provides an overview of the basic theory of hiddenMarkov models (HMMs) as originated by L.E. Baum and T. Petrie (1966) andgives practical details on methods of implementation of the theory alongwith a description of selected applicati... Abstract Full Text: PDF (2272 KB) 4. Eigenfaces vs. Fisherfaces: recognition using class specific linearprojectionBelhumeur, P.N.; Hespanha, J.P.; Kriegman, D.J.Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions onVolume 19, Issue 7, Date: Jul 1997, Pages: 711-720Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/34.598228
Summary: We develop a face recognition algorithm which is insensitive tolarge variation in lighting direction and facial expression. Taking apattern classification approach, we consider each pixel in an image as acoordinate in a high-dimensional space. We t... Abstract Full Text: PDF (2856 KB) 5. Achieving wireless broadband with WiMaxVaughan-Nichols, S.J.ComputerVolume 37, Issue 6, Date: June 2004, Pages: 10- 13Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MC.2004.1266286
Summary: When users want broadband Internet service, they're generally restricted to a T1, DSL, or cable-modem-based connection. However, these wireline infrastructures can be considerably more expensive and time consuming to deploy than a wireless one. In ad... Full Text: PDF (336 KB) 6. RFID: a technical overview and its application to the enterpriseWeinstein, R.IT ProfessionalVolume 7, Issue 3, Date: May-June 2005, Pages: 27- 33Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MITP.2005.69
Summary: Radio frequency identification (RFID) offers tantalizing benefits for supply chain management, inventory control, and many other applications. Only recently, however, has the convergence of lower cost and increased capabilities made businesses take a... Abstract Full Text: PDF (696 KB) 7. A digitally controlled oscillator in a 90 nm digital CMOS process for mobile phonesStaszewski, R.B.; Chih-Ming Hung; Barton, N.; Meng-Chang Lee; Leipold, D.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2203- 2211Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857359
Summary: We propose and demonstrate the first RF digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) for cellular mobile phones. The DCO is part of a single-chip quad-band fully compliant GSM transceiver realized in a 90 nm digital CMOS process. Wide and precise linear fre... Abstract Full Text: PDF (720 KB) 8. SAMPLE: Statistical Network Link Modelling in an On-Demand Probabilistic Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc NetworksCurran, E.; Dowling, J.Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services, 2005. WONS 2005. Second Annual Conference onVolume , Issue , Date: 19-21 Jan. 2005, Pages: 200- 205Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/WONS.2005.30
Summary: Existing routing protocols for multi-hop wireless networks assume an idealised wireless network in which all links in the network are either on or off and where all functioning links are equally good. Such a model interprets the fraction of packets t... Abstract Full Text: PDF (208 KB) 9. Mesh networks: commodity multihop ad hoc networksBruno, R.; Conti, M.; Gregori, E.Communications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 3, Date: March 2005, Pages: 123- 131Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1404606
Summary: In spite of the massive efforts in researching and developing mobile ad hoc networks in the last decade, this type of network has not yet witnessed mass market deployment. The low commercial penetration of products based on ad hoc networking technolo... Abstract Full Text: PDF (585 KB) 10. IEEE recommended practice for software requirements specifications
IEEE Std 830-1998Volume , Issue , Date: 20 Oct 1998, Pages: -
Summary: The content and qualities of a good software requirementsspecification (SRS) are described, and several sample SRS outlines arepresented. This recommended practice is aimed at specifying therequirements of software to be developed, but can also be ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (444 KB) 11. A survey on sensor networksAkyildiz, I.F.; Weilian Su; Sankarasubramaniam, Y.; Cayirci, E.Communications Magazine, IEEEVolume 40, Issue 8, Date: Aug 2002, Pages: 102- 114Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2002.1024422
Summary: The advancement in wireless communications and electronics has enabled the development of low-cost sensor networks. The sensor networks can be used for various application areas (e.g., health, military, home). For different application areas, there a... Abstract Full Text: PDF (990 KB) 12. Realization of the next-generation networkChae-Sub Lee; Knight, D.Communications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 10, Date: Oct. 2005, Pages: 34- 41Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1522122
Summary: This article provides some insight into the history, definition, requirements, and future trends of next-generation network standards. It concentrates on a high-level overview to provide a strategic direction of standards toward a complete NGN provid... Abstract Full Text: PDF (151 KB) 13. A survey on wireless mesh networksAkyildiz, I.F.; Xudong WangCommunications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 9, Date: Sept. 2005, Pages: S23- S30Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1509968
Summary: Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) have emerged as a key technology for next-generation wireless networking. Because of their advantages over other wireless networks, WMNs are undergoing rapid progress and inspiring numerous applications. However, many te... Abstract Full Text: PDF (138 KB) 14. A 2.4 GHz CMOS sub-sampling mixer with integrated filteringPekau, H.; Haslett, J.W.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2159- 2166Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857364
Summary: A sub-sampling mixer that incorporates sampling switches and hold capacitors into the parallel resonant LC load of an LNA is proposed. The noise figure of the proposed sub-sampling mixer is lower than that of a standard sampling circuit because the p... Abstract Full Text: PDF (784 KB) 15. TDCS, OFDM, and MC-CDMA: a brief tutorialChakravarthy, V.; Nunez, A.S.; Stephens, J.P.; Shaw, A.K.; Temple, M.A.Communications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 9, Date: Sept. 2005, Pages: S11- S16Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1509966
Summary: This article gives a brief tutorial on transform-domain communication system (TDCS), OFDM, and MC-CDMA. The primary goal of this article is to give a detailed description of the TDCS transmitter and receiver systems and to highlight the fundamental d... Abstract Full Text: PDF (128 KB) 16. A simple transmit diversity technique for wireless communicationsAlamouti, S.M.Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal onVolume 16, Issue 8, Date: Oct 1998, Pages: 1451-1458Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/49.730453
Summary: This paper presents a simple two-branch transmit diversity scheme.Using two transmit antennas and one receive antenna the scheme providesthe same diversity order as maximal-ratio receiver combining (MRRC) withone transmit antenna, and two receive a... Abstract Full Text: PDF (224 KB) 17. Why software fails [software failure]Charette, R.N.Spectrum, IEEEVolume 42, Issue 9, Date: Sept. 2005, Pages: 42- 49Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSPEC.2005.1502528
Summary: Most IT experts agree that software failures occur far more often than they should despite the fact that, for the most part, they are predictable and avoidable. It is unfortunate that most organizations don't see preventing failure as an urgent matte... Abstract Full Text: PDF (9468 KB) 18. A road to future broadband wireless access: MIMO-OFDM-Based air interfaceHongwei YangCommunications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 1, Date: Jan. 2005, Pages: 53- 60Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1381875(410) 4
Summary: Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing is a popular method for high-data-rate wireless transmission. OFDM may be combined with multiple antennas at both the access point and mobile terminal to increase diversity gain and/or enhance system capacit... Abstract Full Text: PDF (524 KB) 19. Remotely powered addressable UHF RFID integrated systemCurty, J.-P.; Joehl, N.; Dehollain, C.; Declercq, M.J.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2193- 2202Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857352
Summary: This paper presents a fully integrated remotely powered and addressable radio frequency identification (RFID) transponder working at 2.45 GHz. The achieved operating range at 4 W effective isotropically radiated power (EIRP) base-station transmit pow... Abstract Full Text: PDF (728 KB) 20. IEEE standard for software test documentation
IEEE Std 829-1998Volume , Issue , Date: 16 Dec 1998, Pages: -
Summary: A set of basic software test documents is described. This standardspecifies the form and content of individual test documents. It does notspecify the required set of test documents Abstract Full Text: PDF (592 KB) 21. Generalized principal component analysis (GPCA)Vidal, R.; Yi Ma; Sastry, S.Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions onVolume 27, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2005, Pages: 1945- 1959Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPAMI.2005.244
Summary: This paper presents an algebro-geometric solution to the problem of segmenting an unknown number of subspaces of unknown and varying dimensions from sample data points. We represent the subspaces with a set of homogeneous polynomials whose degree is ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (872 KB) 22. NGN architecture: generic principles, functional architecture, and implementationKnightson, K.; Morita, N.; Towle, T.Communications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 10, Date: Oct. 2005, Pages: 49- 56Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1522124
Summary: This article summarizes the architectural aspects of a next-generation network in terms of general principles, functional representation, and typical implementation. According to the general reference model, which assumes decoupling of services and t... Abstract Full Text: PDF (131 KB) 23. An auto-I/Q calibrated CMOS transceiver for 802.11gYong-Hsiang Hsieh; Wei-Yi Hu; Shin-Ming Lin; Chao-Liang Chen; Wen-Kai Li; Sao-Jie Chen; Chen, D.J.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2187- 2192Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857348
Summary: The CMOS transceiver IC exploits the superheterodyne architecture to implement a low-cost RF front-end with an auto-I/Q calibration function for IEEE 802.11g. The transceiver supports I/Q gain and phase mismatch auto tuning mechanisms at both the tra... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1080 KB) 24. IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems
IEEE Std 802.16-2004 (Revision of IEEE Std 802.16-2001)Volume , Issue , Date: 2004, Pages: 0_1- 857
Summary: Abstract Full Text: PDF (6002 KB) 25. IEEE standard for information technology- telecommunications and information exchange between systems- local and metropolitan area networks- specific requirements Part II: wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications
IEEE Std 802.11g-2003 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edn. (Reaff 2003) as amended by IEEE Stds 802.11a-1999, 802.11b-1999, 802.11b-1999/Cor 1-2001, and 802.11d-2001)Volume , Issue , Date: 2003, Pages: i- 67
Summary: Abstract Full Text: PDF (1754 KB) 26. A 10 Gb/s BiCMOS adaptive cable equalizerGuangyu Evelina Zhang; Green, M.M.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2132- 2140Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857354
Summary: A 10 Gb/s adaptive equalizer IC using SiGe BiCMOS technology is described. The circuit consists of the combination of an analog equalizer and an adaptive feedback loop for minimizing the inter-symbol interference (ISI) for a variety of cable characte... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1304 KB) 27. A 1.2-V-only 900-mW 10 gb ethernet transceiver and XAUI interface with robust VCO tuning techniqueHyung-Rok Lee; Moon-Sang Hwang; Bong-Joon Lee; Young-Deok Kim; Dohwan Oh; Jaeha Kim; Sang-Hyun Lee; Deog-Kyoon Jeong; Kim, W.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2148- 2158Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857360
Summary: This paper describes the design and the implementation of a fully integrated 10 Gb Ethernet transceiver in a 0.13-/spl mu/m CMOS process using only a 1.2 V supply. A coarse control algorithm that combines a voltage range monitoring circuit with a fre... Abstract Full Text: PDF (2384 KB) 28. Differential current-mode sensing for efficient on-chip global signalingTzartzanis, N.; Walker, W.W.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2141- 2147Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857351
Summary: We present a new on-chip signaling method that relies on differential current-mode sensing to improve both delay and energy dissipation compared to conventional inverter repeaters. The proposed method can be used for point-to-point as well as N-to-1 ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (672 KB) 29. IEEE Std 802.11-1997 Information Technology- telecommunications And Information exchange Between Systems-Local And Metropolitan Area Networks-specific Requirements-part 11: Wireless Lan Medium Access Control (MAC) And Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications
IEEE Std 802.11-1997Volume , Issue , Date: 18 Nov 1997, Pages: i-445
Summary: Abstract Full Text: PDF (25764 KB) 30. QoS routing for wireless ad hoc networks: problems, algorithms, and protocolsBaoxian Zhang; Mouftah, H.T.Communications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 10, Date: Oct. 2005, Pages: 110- 117Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1522133
Summary: QoS routing plays an important role for providing QoS in wireless ad hoc networks. The goals of QoS routing are in general twofold: selecting routes with satisfied QoS requirement(s), and achieving global efficiency in resource utilization. In this a... Abstract Full Text: PDF (141 KB) 31. On the performance analysis of the minimum-blocking and bandwidth-reallocation channel-assignment (MBCA/BRCA) methods for quality-of-service routing support in mobile multimedia ad hoc networksAggelou, G.Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions onVolume 53, Issue 3, Date: May 2004, Pages: 770- 782Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2004.825696
Summary: Quality-of-service (QoS) routing is the key to support multimedia services in wireless multihop networks. The goal of QoS routing is to find satisfactory paths that support the end-to-end QoS requirements of the multimedia flows. Previous work has de... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1368 KB) 32. Standards for the next-generation networkMaeda, Y.; Moore, B.Communications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 10, Date: Oct. 2005, Pages: 33- 33Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1522121
Summary: Full Text: PDF (287 KB) 33. A monotonic digitally controlled delay elementMaymandi-Nejad, M.; Sachdev, M.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2212- 2219Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857370
Summary: A monotonic digitally controlled delay element (DCDE) is implemented in the 0.18 /spl mu/m CMOS technology. In this paper, the design procedure of the new architecture and measurement results are reported. The delay of the DCDE changes monotonically ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (560 KB) 34. RFID privacy: an overview of problems and proposed solutionsGarfinkel, S.L.; Juels, A.; Pappu, R.Security & Privacy Magazine, IEEEVolume 3, Issue 3, Date: May-June 2005, Pages: 34- 43Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2005.78
Summary: As organizations aggressively deploy radio frequency identification systems, activists are increasingly concerned about RFID's potential to invade user privacy. This overview highlights potential threats and how they might be addressed using both tec... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1520 KB) 35. Mobility support for IP-Based networksJie Li; Hsiao-Hwa ChenCommunications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 10, Date: Oct. 2005, Pages: 127- 132Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1522136
Summary: IP-based wireless networks will become the core of next-generation mobile networks. Mobility support plays an important role in all IP-based wireless networks for providing multimedia applications. In this article we address various major issues in m... Abstract Full Text: PDF (124 KB) 36. Comparison frequency doubling and charge pump matching techniques for dual-band /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ fractional-N frequency synthesizerHyungki Huh; Yido Koo; Kang-Yoon Lee; Yeonkyeong Ok; Sungho Lee; Daehyun Kwon; Jeongwoo Lee; Joonbae Park; Kyeongho Lee; Deog-Kyoon Jeong; Kim, W.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2228- 2236Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857368
Summary: The frequency synthesizer with two LC-VCOs is fully integrated in a 0.35-/spl mu/m CMOS technology. In supporting dual bands, all building blocks except VCOs are shared. A current compensation scheme using a replica charge pump improves the linearity... Abstract Full Text: PDF (984 KB) 37. Survey of clustering algorithmsRui Xu; Wunsch, D., IINeural Networks, IEEE Transactions onVolume 16, Issue 3, Date: May 2005, Pages: 645- 678Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNN.2005.845141
Summary: Data analysis plays an indispensable role for understanding various phenomena. Cluster analysis, primitive exploration with little or no prior knowledge, consists of research developed across a wide variety of communities. The diversity, on one hand,... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1544 KB) 38. Who killed the virtual case file? [case management software]Goldstein, H.Spectrum, IEEEVolume 42, Issue 9, Date: Sept. 2005, Pages: 24- 35Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSPEC.2005.1502526
Summary: This paper discusses how the FBI's $170 million Virtual Case File (VCF) IT project became one of the most highly publicized software failure in history. According to a report by the US Department of Justice's inspector general, VCF's failure may be a... Abstract Full Text: PDF (11485 KB) 39. MOS operational amplifier design-a tutorial overviewGray, P.R.; Meyer, R.G.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 17, Issue 6, Date: Dec 1982, Pages: 969- 982
Summary: Presents an overview of current design techniques for operational amplifiers implemented in CMOS and NMOS technology at a tutorial level. Primary emphasis is placed on CMOS amplifiers because of their more widespread use. Factors affecting voltage ga... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1536 KB) 40. Broadband MIMO-OFDM wireless communicationsStuber, G.L.; Barry, J.R.; McLaughlin, S.W.; Ye Li; Ingram, M.A.; Pratt, T.G.Proceedings of the IEEEVolume 92, Issue 2, Date: Feb 2004, Pages: 271- 294Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPROC.2003.821912
Summary: Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a popular method for high data rate wireless transmission. OFDM may be combined with antenna arrays at the transmitter and receiver to increase the diversity gain and/or to enhance the system capac... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1200 KB) Full Text: HTML 41. SOA without Web services: a pragmatic implementation of SOA for financial transactions systemsDuan, Z.; Bose, S.; Stirpe, P.A.; Shoniregun, C.; Logvynovskiy, A.Services Computing, 2005 IEEE International Conference onVolume 1, Issue , Date: 11-15 July 2005, Pages: 243- 250 vol.1Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/SCC.2005.94
Summary: The service oriented architecture (SOA) provides a methodology for designing software systems by integrating loosely coupled services. Compared to traditional distributed object-oriented architectures, SOA is more suitable to integrate heterogeneous ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (296 KB) 42. Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standardWiegand, T.; Sullivan, G.J.; Bjntegaard, G.; Luthra, A.Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions onVolume 13, Issue 7, Date: July 2003, Pages: 560- 576Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSVT.2003.815165
Summary: H.264/AVC is newest video coding standard of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group. The main goals of the H.264/AVC standardization effort have been enhanced compression performance and provision of a "netw... Abstract Full Text: PDF (904 KB) 43. Applications of RFID technologyRaza, N.; Bradshaw, V.; Hague, M.RFID Technology (Ref. No. 1999/123), IEE Colloquium onVolume , Issue , Date: 1999, Pages: 1/1-1/5
Summary: RFID technology has been around for quite a long time, however,due to issues like cost has not achieved mass-market appeal. This paperexamines the differences and advantages of RFID technology over otherforms of identification, and how these differ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (160 KB) 44. Ultra-wideband communications: an idea whose time has comeLiuqing Yang; Giannakis, G.B.Signal Processing Magazine, IEEEVolume 21, Issue 6, Date: Nov. 2004, Pages: 26- 54Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2004.1359140
Summary: Ultra-wideband (UWB) radio is a fast emerging technology with many unique attractive features that promotes major advances in wireless communications, networking, radar, imaging, and positioning systems. Research in UWB is still in its infancy stages... Abstract Full Text: PDF (3282 KB) 45. A 1-V integrated current-mode boost converter in standard 3.3/5-V CMOS technologiesChi Yat Leung; Mok, P.K.T.; Ka Nang LeungSolid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2265- 2274Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857374
Summary: A 1-V integrated CMOS current-mode boost converter implemented in a standard 3.3/5-V 0.6-/spl mu/m CMOS technology (V/sub TH//spl ap/0.85 V), providing power-conversion efficiency of higher than 85% at 100-mA output current, is presented in this pape... Abstract Full Text: PDF (2032 KB) 46. A tutorial on multiple access technologies for beyond 3G mobile networksJamalipour, A.; Wada, T.; Yamazato, T.Communications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 2, Date: Feb. 2005, Pages: 110- 117Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1391509
Summary: In this article, some fundamental technical concepts of the main multiple access schemes for wireless mobile systems are reviewed, and a path for the development of appropriate multiple access technologies for next-generation mobile networks, or so-c... Abstract Full Text: PDF (543 KB) 47. Managing computer networks using peer-to-peer technologiesGranville, L.Z.; da Rosa, D.M.; Panisson, A.; Melchiors, C.; Almeida, M.J.B.; Tarouco, L.M.R.Communications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 10, Date: Oct. 2005, Pages: 62- 68Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1522126
Summary: Peer-to-peer systems and network management are usually related to each other because the traffic loads of P2P systems have to be controlled to avoid regular network services becoming unavailable due to network congestion. In this context, from a net... Abstract Full Text: PDF (329 KB) 48. Fundamental transmitting properties of carbon nanotube antennasHanson, G.W.Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions onVolume 53, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 3426- 3435Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2005.858865
Summary: Fundamental properties of dipole transmitting antennas formed by carbon nanotubes are investigated. Since carbon nanotubes can be grown to centimeter lengths, and since they can be metallic, the properties of carbon nanotubes as antenna elements are ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (456 KB) 49. A low-voltage low-power sigma-delta modulator for broadband analog-to-digital conversionKiYoung Nam; Sang-Min Lee; Su, D.K.; Wooley, B.A.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 9, Date: Sept. 2005, Pages: 1855- 1864Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.852161
Summary: A cascade of sigma-delta modulator stages that employ a feedforward architecture to reduce the signal ranges required at the integrator inputs and outputs has been used to implement a broadband, high-resolution oversampling CMOS analog-to-digital con... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1016 KB) 50. Capacity limits of MIMO channelsGoldsmith, A.; Jafar, S.A.; Jindal, N.; Vishwanath, S.Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal onVolume 21, Issue 5, Date: June 2003, Pages: 684- 702Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSAC.2003.810294
Summary: We provide an overview of the extensive results on the Shannon capacity of single-user and multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels. Although enormous capacity gains have been predicted for such channels, these predictions are based o... Abstract Full Text: PDF (728 KB) 51. ESD protection design for I/O cells with embedded SCR structure as power-rail ESD clamp device in nanoscale CMOS technologyMing-Dou Ker; Lin, K.-H.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2329- 2338Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857349
Summary: This paper presents a new electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection design for input/output (I/O) cells with embedded silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) structure as power-rail ESD clamp device in a 130-nm CMOS process. Two new embedded SCR structures... Abstract Full Text: PDF (2392 KB) 52. Routing in ad hoc networks: a case for long hopsHaenggi, M.; Puccinelli, D.Communications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 10, Date: Oct. 2005, Pages: 93- 101Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1522131
Summary: For multihop wireless networks, a fundamental question is whether it is advantageous to route over many short hops (short-hop routing) or over a smaller number of longer hops (long-hop routing). Short-hop routing has gained a lot of support, and its ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (167 KB) 53. Space-time codes for high data rate wireless communication:performance criterion and code constructionTarokh, V.; Seshadri, N.; Calderbank, A.R.Information Theory, IEEE Transactions onVolume 44, Issue 2, Date: Mar 1998, Pages: 744-765Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/18.661517
Summary: We consider the design of channel codes for improving the datarate and/or the reliability of communications over fading channels usingmultiple transmit antennas. Data is encoded by a channel code and theencoded data is split into n streams that are... Abstract Full Text: PDF (772 KB) 54. How Europe Missed The TransistorRiordan, M.Spectrum, IEEEVolume 42, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 52- 57Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSPEC.2005.1526906
Summary: Abstract Full Text: PDF (2025 KB) 55. A single-chip dual-band direct-conversion IEEE 802.11a/b/g WLAN transceiver in 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOSPengfei Zhang; Der, L.; Dawei Guo; Sever, I.; Bourdi, T.; Lam, C.; Zolfaghari, A.; Chen, J.; Gambetta, D.; Baohong Cheng; Gowder, S.; Hart, S.; Huynh, L.; Nguyen, T.; Razavi, B.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 9, Date: Sept. 2005, Pages: 1932- 1939Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.848182
Summary: This paper presents a single-chip dual-band CMOS direct-conversion transceiver fully compliant with the IEEE 802.11a/b/g standards. Operating in the frequency ranges of 2.412-2.484 GHz and 4.92-5.805 GHz (including the Japanese band), the fractional-... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1368 KB) 56. Design techniques for dual-passband filtersMacchiarella, G.; Tamiazzo, S.Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions onVolume 53, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 3265- 3271Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2005.855749
Summary: This paper introduces two possible approaches to the design of microwave filters presenting two passbands separated by one rejection band, which is created by suitably placing transmission zeros in the stopband. In the first method, the two passbands... Abstract Full Text: PDF (544 KB) 57. Where are linear feature extraction methods applicable?Martinez, A.M.; Manli ZhuPattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions onVolume 27, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2005, Pages: 1934- 1944Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPAMI.2005.250
Summary: A fundamental problem in computer vision and pattern recognition is to determine where and, most importantly, why a given technique is applicable. This is not only necessary because it helps us decide which techniques to apply at each given time. Kno... Abstract Full Text: PDF (632 KB) 58. The dawn of digital TVRast, R.M.Spectrum, IEEEVolume 42, Issue 10, Date: Oct. 2005, Pages: 26- 31Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSPEC.2005.1515956
Summary: The end of analog TV is at hand. Governments are setting firm dates and planning for the new broadcast TV. Although analog TV is being shutdown, it is observed that changing to digital TV costs much higher mainly because of its convenience in connect... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1854 KB) 59. Introduction to the ITU-T NGN focus group release 1: target environment, services, and capabilitiesCarugi, M.; Hirschman, B.; Narita, A.Communications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 10, Date: Oct. 2005, Pages: 42- 48Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1522123
Summary: This article starts by introducing some interesting use cases of set-vices and capabilities to be supported in next-generation networks. The target environment, relevant services, and some critical capabilities identified by the ITU-T Focus Group on ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (149 KB) 60. A 1 GHz CMOS analog front-end for a generalized PRML read channelSun, D.; Xotta, A.; Abidi, Asad.A.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2275- 2285Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857372
Summary: A 1 GHz CMOS analog front-end for general partial response maximum likelihood (GPRML) read channel in hard disk drive application has been implemented in 0.35 /spl mu/m CMOS. A continuous time analog filter fulfills the relaxed equalization for GPRML... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1256 KB) 61. Battery-free wireless identification and sensingPhilipose, M.; Smith, J.R.; Jiang, B.; Mamishev, A.; Sumit Roy; Sundara-Rajan, K.Pervasive Computing, IEEEVolume 4, Issue 1, Date: Jan.-March 2005, Pages: 37- 45Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPRV.2005.7
Summary: The Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform (WISP) project explores an approach to provide power for sensor networks, based on passive radio-frequency-identification technology. In traditional passive RFID systems, ambient high-power readers int... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1296 KB) 62. Integrated overcurrent protection system for class-D audio power amplifiersBerkhout, M.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2237- 2245Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857369
Summary: A fully integrated overcurrent protection system is presented suitable for application in integrated class-D audio power amplifiers. Accurate overcurrent detection is used based on parallel measurement of the voltage drop across the DMOS power transi... Abstract Full Text: PDF (928 KB) 63. 15-GHz fully integrated nMOS switches in a 0.13-/spl mu/m CMOS processZhenbiao Li; O, K.K.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2323- 2328Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857346
Summary: Two fully integrated nMOS switches have been demonstrated at 15 GHz in a 0.13-/spl mu/m CMOS foundry process. One incorporates on-chip LC impedance transformation networks (ITNs) while the second one does not. The switches with and without ITNs achie... Abstract Full Text: PDF (872 KB) 64. A multipath model for the powerline channelZimmermann, M.; Dostert, K.Communications, IEEE Transactions onVolume 50, Issue 4, Date: Apr 2002, Pages: 553-559Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/26.996069
Summary: The development of powerline communication (PLC) systems forInternet, voice, and data services requires measurement-based models ofthe transfer characteristics of the mains network suitable forperformance analysis by simulation. This paper presents... Abstract Full Text: PDF (273 KB) 65. Bandwidth-enhancing ultralow-profile compact patch antennaShaoqiu Xiao; Bing-Zhong Wang; Wei Shao; Yan ZhangAntennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions onVolume 53, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 3443- 3447Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2005.858838
Summary: A novel method to extend the operation bandwidth and reduce the size of the ultralow-profile patch antenna is presented in this paper. The designed results indicate that two orthogonal modes of TM/sub 10/ and TM/sub 01/ can be excited simultaneously ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (344 KB) 66. From FFTs to wavelets: An interview with C. Sidney BurrusDumitras, A.; Moschytz, G.Signal Processing Magazine, IEEEVolume 22, Issue 5, Date: Sept. 2005, Pages: 128- 131Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2005.1511831
Summary: Abstract Full Text: PDF (137 KB) 67. A new technique for quality scalable video coding with H.264Benierbah, S.; Khamadja, M.Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions onVolume 15, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 1332- 1340Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSVT.2005.856897
Summary: In this paper, we provide a technique that allows H264/AVC to achieve quality scalable coding by allowing the coder to produce different coded motion qualities. This technique is called block ordering scalability. It realizes scalability by exploitin... Abstract Full Text: PDF (800 KB) 68. Total recall [life recording software]Cherry, S.Spectrum, IEEEVolume 42, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 24- 30Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSPEC.2005.1526902
Summary: This paper describes a Microsoft research initiative that focuses on memory augmentation. The research is primarily based on the MyLifeBits Project of Microsoft researcher, Gordon Bell, who, for two years, collected real life data using sensors and a... Abstract Full Text: PDF (3273 KB) 69. WiMax and Wi-Fi: Separate and UnequalCherry, S.M.Spectrum, IEEEVolume 41, Issue 3, Date: March 2004, Pages: 16- 16Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSPEC.2004.1270541
Summary: Abstract Full Text: PDF (2525 KB) 70. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless protocols: a survey and a comparisonFerro, E.; Potorti, F.Wireless Communications, IEEE [see also IEEE Personal Communications]Volume 12, Issue 1, Date: Feb. 2005, Pages: 12- 26Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MWC.2005.1404569
Summary: Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) are two communication protocol standards that define a physical layer and a MAC layer for wireless communications within a short range (from a few meters up to 100 m) with low power consumption (from less than 1 mW u... Abstract Full Text: PDF (610 KB) 71. Supplement to IEEE standard for information technology telecommunications and information exchange between systems - local andmetropolitan area networks - specific requirements. Part 11: wirelessLAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications:high-speed physical layer in the 5 GHz band
IEEE Std 802.11a-1999Volume , Issue , Date: 1999, Pages: -
Summary: Changes and additions to IEEE Std. 802.11-1999 are provided tosupport the new high-rate physical layer (PHY) for operation in the 5GHz band Abstract Full Text: PDF (728 KB) 72. A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: the waveletrepresentationMallat, S.G.Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions onVolume 11, Issue 7, Date: Jul 1989, Pages: 674-693Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/34.192463
Summary: Multiresolution representations are effective for analyzing theinformation content of images. The properties of the operator whichapproximates a signal at a given resolution were studied. It is shownthat the difference of information between the ap... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1524 KB) 73. Face recognition using face-ARG matchingBo-Gun Park; Kyoung-Mu Lee; Sang-Uk LeePattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions onVolume 27, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2005, Pages: 1982- 1988Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPAMI.2005.243
Summary: In this paper, we propose a novel line feature-based face recognition algorithm. A face is represented by the face-ARG model, where all the geometric quantities and the structural information are encoded in an attributed relational graph (ARG) struct... Abstract Full Text: PDF (848 KB) 74. Fly Like a FlyZbikowski, R.Spectrum, IEEEVolume 42, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 46- 51Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSPEC.2005.1526905
Summary: Abstract Full Text: PDF (3033 KB) 75. Software fault injection: growing `saferapos; systemsVoas, J.Aerospace Conference, 1997. Proceedings., IEEEVolume 2, Issue , Date: 1-8 Feb 1997, Pages: 551-561 vol.2Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/AERO.1997.578000
Summary: This paper describes software fault injection and what types ofanomalies fault injection should simulate. We highlight the benefitsthat software fault injection could have provided to several infamoussoftware error-related incidents. And, we explai... Abstract Full Text: PDF (900 KB) 76. IEEE Standard for Information technology- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems- Local and metropolitan area networks- Specific requirements Part 3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications Amendment: Media Access Control Parameters, Physical Layers, and Management Parameters for Subscriber Access Networks
IEEE Std 802.3ah-2004Volume , Issue , Date: 2004, Pages: 0_1- 623
Summary: Abstract Full Text: PDF (7021 KB) 77. Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP)Goode, B.Proceedings of the IEEEVolume 90, Issue 9, Date: Sep 2002, Pages: 1495- 1517Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPROC.2002.802005
Summary: During the Internet stock bubble, articles in the trade pressfrequently said that, in the near future, telephone traffic would bejust another application running over the Internet. Such statementsgloss over many engineering details that preclude vo... Abstract Full Text: PDF (593 KB) Full Text: HTML 78. Locating the nodes: cooperative localization in wireless sensor networksPatwari, N.; Ash, J.N.; Kyperountas, S.; Hero, A.O., III; Moses, R.L.; Correal, N.S.Signal Processing Magazine, IEEEVolume 22, Issue 4, Date: July 2005, Pages: 54- 69Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2005.1458287
Summary: Accurate and low-cost sensor localization is a critical requirement for the deployment of wireless sensor networks in a wide variety of applications. In cooperative localization, sensors work together in a peer-to-peer manner to make measurements and... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1451 KB) 79. Data consistency in a heterogeneous IT landscape: a service oriented architecture approachSvensson, E.; Vetter, C.; Werner, T.Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, 2004. EDOC 2004. Proceedings. Eighth IEEE InternationalVolume , Issue , Date: 20-24 Sept. 2004, Pages: 3- 8Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/EDOC.2004.1342500
Summary: Consistent data across applications is the centerpiece for a successful integration of IT systems. Heterogeneous IT environments, as found in most mature industries, pose a challenge not only in integrating applications, but also in ensuring a consis... Abstract Full Text: PDF (349 KB) 80. Internet connectivity for mobile ad hoc networks: solutions and challengesRuiz, P.M.; Ros, F.J.; Gomez-Skarmeta, A.Communications Magazine, IEEEVolume 43, Issue 10, Date: Oct. 2005, Pages: 118- 125Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2005.1522134
Summary: The interconnection of mobile ad hoc networks to fixed IP networks is one of the topics receiving more attention within the MANET working group of the IETF as well as in many research projects funded by the European Union. Several solutions have rece... Abstract Full Text: PDF (155 KB) 81. IEEE standard taxonomy for software engineering standards
IEEE Std 1002-1987Volume , Issue , Date: 1987, Pages: -
Summary: Abstract Full Text: PDF (1128 KB) 82. Device mismatch and tradeoffs in the design of analog circuitsKinget, P.R.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 6, Date: June 2005, Pages: 1212- 1224Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.848021
Summary: Random device mismatch plays an important role in the design of accurate analog circuits. Models for the matching of MOS and bipolar devices from open literature show that matching improves with increasing device area. As a result, accuracy requireme... Abstract Full Text: PDF (536 KB) 83. 1/f noise in MOS devices, mobility or number fluctuations?Vandamme, L.K.J.; Xiaosong Li; Rigaud, D.Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions onVolume 41, Issue 11, Date: Nov 1994, Pages: 1936-1945Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/16.333809
Summary: Recent experimental studies on 1/f noise in MOS transistors arereviewed. Arguments are given for the two schools of thought on theorigin of 1/f noise. The consequences of models based on carrier-number?N or mobility fluctuations ?ยต o... Abstract Full Text: PDF (920 KB) 84. An approach to security and privacy of RFID system for supply chainXingxin Gao; Zhe Xiang; Hao Wang; Jun Shen; Jian Huang; Song SongE-Commerce Technology for Dynamic E-Business, 2004. IEEE International Conference onVolume , Issue , Date: 13-15 Sept. 2004, Pages: 164- 168Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/CEC-EAST.2004.14
Summary: Radio frequency identification (RFID) is expected to become pervasive and ubiquitous, as it can be embedded into everyday items as smart labels. A typical scenario of exploiting RFID is supply chain. The RFID based supply chain management yields conv... Abstract Full Text: PDF (112 KB) 85. A 77 GHz SiGe sub-harmonic balanced mixerJuo-Jung Hung; Hancock, T.M.; Rebeiz, G.M.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2167- 2173Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857347
Summary: A novel SiGe 77 GHz sub-harmonic balanced mixer is presented with a goal to push the technology to its limit [SiGe2-RF transistor (f/sub T/=80 GHz)]. This new topology uses a compact input network not only to achieve high isolation between the LO and... Abstract Full Text: PDF (984 KB) 86. A modified k-means algorithm for circular invariant clusteringCharalampidis, D.Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions onVolume 27, Issue 12, Date: Dec. 2005, Pages: 1856- 1865Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPAMI.2005.230
Summary: Several important pattern recognition applications are based on feature vector extraction and vector clustering. Directional patterns are commonly represented by rotation-variant vectors F/sub d/ formed from features uniformly extracted in M directio... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1096 KB) 87. Direct-coupled microwave filters with single and dual stopbandsCameron, R.J.; Ming Yu; Ying WangMicrowave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions onVolume 53, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 3288- 3297Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2005.859032
Summary: This paper presents new ideas for the design and implementation of microwave filters with single and dual stopbands. They can be realized with waveguide, coaxial, dielectric resonators, or in a planar technology. The new methods represent an advance ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (720 KB) 88. Statistical pattern recognition: a reviewJain, A.K.; Duin, R.P.W.; Jianchang MaoPattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions onVolume 22, Issue 1, Date: Jan 2000, Pages: 4-37Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/34.824819
Summary: The primary goal of pattern recognition is supervised orunsupervised classification. Among the various frameworks in whichpattern recognition has been traditionally formulated, the statisticalapproach has been most intensively studied and used in p... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1708 KB) 89. Study of a printed circular disc monopole antenna for UWB systemsJianxin Liang; Chiau, C.C.; Xiaodong Chen; Parini, C.G.Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions onVolume 53, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 3500- 3504Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2005.858598
Summary: This paper presents a study of a novel monopole antenna for ultrawide-band (UWB) applications. Printed on a dielectric substrate and fed by a 50 /spl Omega/ microstrip line, a planar circular disc monopole has been demonstrated to provide an ultra wi... Abstract Full Text: PDF (560 KB) 90. Reflections: My New LaptopLucky, R.W.Spectrum, IEEEVolume 42, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 104- 104Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSPEC.2005.1526909
Summary: Abstract Full Text: PDF (47 KB) 91. PID control system analysis, design, and technologyKiam Heong Ang; Chong, G.; Yun LiControl Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions onVolume 13, Issue 4, Date: July 2005, Pages: 559- 576Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2005.847331
Summary: Designing and tuning a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller appears to be conceptually intuitive, but can be hard in practice, if multiple (and often conflicting) objectives such as short transient and high stability are to be achieved. ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1768 KB) 92. A 6.3-9-GHz CMOS fast settling PLL for MB-OFDM UWB applicationsGeum-Young Tak; Seok-Bong Hyun; Tae Young Kang; Byoung Gun Choi; Seong Su ParkSolid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 8, Date: Aug. 2005, Pages: 1671- 1679Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.852421
Summary: A CMOS phase-locked loop (PLL) which synthesizes frequencies between 6.336 and 8.976 GHz in steps of 528 MHz and settles in approximately 150 ns is presented. The proposed PLL can be employed as a building block for a frequency synthesizer which gene... Abstract Full Text: PDF (1120 KB) 93. CMOS low-noise amplifier design optimization techniquesTrung-Kien Nguyen; Chung-Hwan Kim; Gook-Ju Ihm; Moon-Su Yang; Sang-Gug LeeMicrowave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions onVolume 52, Issue 5, Date: May 2004, Pages: 1433- 1442Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2004.827014
Summary: This paper reviews and analyzes four reported low-noise amplifier (LNA) design techniques applied to the cascode topology based on CMOS technology: classical noise matching, simultaneous noise and input matching (SNIM), power-constrained noise optimi... Abstract Full Text: PDF (336 KB) 94. CMOS image sensorsEl Gamal, A.; Eltoukhy, H.Circuits and Devices Magazine, IEEEVolume 21, Issue 3, Date: May-June 2005, Pages: 6- 20Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCD.2005.1438751
Summary: In this article, we provide a basic introduction to CMOS image-sensor technology, design and performance limits and present recent developments and future directions in this area. We also discuss image-sensor operation and describe the most popular C... Abstract Full Text: PDF (2429 KB) 95. Ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filters using multiple-mode resonatorLei Zhu; Sheng Sun; Menzel, W.Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE [see also IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters]Volume 15, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 796- 798Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LMWC.2005.859011
Summary: A novel microstrip-line ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filter is proposed and implemented using a multiple-mode resonator (MMR), aiming at transmitting the signals in the whole UWB passband of 3.1-10.6GHz. In the design, the first three resonant frequ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (232 KB) 96. Design of a multiband OFDM system for realistic UWB channel environmentsBatra, A.; Balakrishnan, J.; Aiello, G.R.; Foerster, J.R.; Dabak, A.Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions onVolume 52, Issue 9,Part: 1, Date: Sept. 2004, Pages: 2123- 2138Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2004.834184
Summary: In February 2002, the Federal Communications Commission allocated 7500 MHz of spectrum for unlicensed use of commercial ultra-wideband (UWB) communication devices. This spectral allocation has initiated an extremely productive activity for industry a... Abstract Full Text: PDF (840 KB) 97. Routing techniques in wireless sensor networks: a surveyAl-Karaki, J.N.; Kamal, A.E.Wireless Communications, IEEE [see also IEEE Personal Communications]Volume 11, Issue 6, Date: Dec. 2004, Pages: 6- 28Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MWC.2004.1368893
Summary: Wireless sensor networks consist of small nodes with sensing, computation, and wireless communications capabilities. Many routing, power management, and data dissemination protocols have been specifically designed for WSNs where energy awareness is a... Abstract Full Text: PDF (435 KB) 98. A CMOS 110-dB@40-kS/s programmable-gain chopper-stabilized third-order 2-1 cascade sigma-delta Modulator for low-power high-linearity automotive sensor ASICsde la Rosa, J.M.; Escalera, S.; Perez-Verdu, B.; Medeiro, F.; Guerra, O.; del Rio, R.; Rodriguez-Vazquez, A.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2246- 2264Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857356
Summary: This paper describes a 0.35-/spl mu/m CMOS chopper-stabilized switched-capacitor 2-1 cascade /spl Sigma//spl Delta/ modulator for automotive sensor interfaces. The modulator architecture has been selected from an exhaustive comparison among multiple ... Abstract Full Text: PDF (3024 KB) 99. High-performance direct digital frequency synthesizers in 0.25 /spl mu/m CMOS using dual-slope approximationDe Caro, D.; Strollo, A.G.M.Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal ofVolume 40, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2005, Pages: 2220- 2227Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857371
Summary: This paper presents a detailed description of direct digital frequency synthesizers (DDFS) using an optimized piecewise linear approximation for phase to sine mapping, named dual-slope. The dual-slope technique allows reducing ROM size with respect t... Abstract Full Text: PDF (904 KB) 100. The exterminators [software bugs]Ross, P.E.Spectrum, IEEEVolume 42, Issue 9, Date: Sept. 2005, Pages: 36- 41Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSPEC.2005.1502527
Summary: This paper describes a sound methodology developed at Praxis High Integrity Systems for detecting and exterminating bugs during all stages of a software project. To develop software, the London-based software house uses mathematically based technique... Abstract Full Text: PDF (7070 KB) Back to top Help Contact Us Privacy & Security © Copyright 2005 IEEE – All Rights Reserved

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