Monday, May 14, 2007

Airflow Modeling

Airflow Modeling: Efforts to Find the Better Models for Building Air Quality Simulation.

1Lasman Parulian Purba, 2Elieser Tarigan
1Master of Engineering Student in Mechanical Engineering Department
Prince of Songkhla University, HatYai Campus, Thailand, 90110
2Kampus UBAYA Tenggilis
Jalan Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya, Indonesia
Contact Person:
Elieser Tarigan, Ph. D
Kampus UBAYA Tenggilis
Jalan Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya, Indonesia
Phone: +62-31-298-1000,,

Abstract. All combustion sources, such as motor vehicle, industrial combustion processes, burning, cooking, heating, and tobacco smoking, generate large quantities of fine (aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 micro-meter) and ultra-fine (smaller than 0.1 micro-meter) particles. Smaller particles can penetrate deeper into the respiratory tract and therefore have a higher potential to induce health effects than larger particles.
Suspended particulate matter can serve as nuclei and carriers for airborne viruses and bacteria, resulting in the spread of diseases. In addition, fine particles themselves can deposit in the lungs and cause respiratory diseases. As people spend about 90% of their lifetime indoors, indoor particulate matter can have great impact on human health. Thus, a good understanding of particle transport (included in dynamics flow) is crucial for creating healthy indoor environments.
In this paper, more than four model simulation of indoor airflow for building is reviewed. Hope fully, this help decisions maker have many consideration to improve or manage airflow for building. This is an effort to improve working environment in factory that seems to be severely affected by particulate matter.

Keywords: particulate matter, airflow, building, simulation.
1 Introduction
Health problems related to the environment have become a major source of concern all over the world. The health of the population depends upon good quality air, water, soil, food and many other factors, can be analyzed in terms of the costs, as a part of consequences of failure in Risk Analysis. The environmental consequences of an event can also have other serious consequences, which affect company’s reputation. It’s needed to establish measures that can eliminate or considerably reduce hazardous factors from the human environment to minimize the associated health risks. The ability to achieve these objectives is in great part dependent on the development of suitable experimental, modeling and interpretive techniques, which will allow a balanced assessment of the risk involved as well as suggesting ways in which the situation can be improved. The interaction between environmental risk and health is often complex and can involve a variety of social, occupational and lifestyle factors. This emphasizes the importance of considering an interdisciplinary approach in related with environmental indoor health.
To raise efforts for promoting healthy working-environment, sustainable management of building and or factory that must have indoor room, this paper will present deep supporting information that needed to consider mainly about indoor air quality’s factors. Primary goal of this paper is to present existing information in ways compatible with other engineering disciplines, then to contribute to the body of knowledge itself in order to advance our understanding of controlling Particulate Matter that is a part of contaminants in the indoor air environment.


To help summarized the information provided in this paper, inclusion of four model simulation of indoor airflow for building is reviewed to help gathering prediction the velocity and pollutant concentrations at arbitrary points inside a building or room. This paper is organized into eight sections beginning with fundamental concept of risk, the main factors affecting contaminant dispersion, characteristic of Indoor air environment, aerosol as one kind of particulate matter and contaminants, impact of aerosol, type of indoor air flow and standard that related to indoor air quality, and the respiratory system: ending with the elements of future computational methods that possible to used to predict contaminant particles transport in the vicinity of process equipped with industrial ventilation systems, that currently more then four Simulation in the world-internetworking-advanced-search-based.


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