Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Abstaract for RISK Tech 2007 Bandung Indonesia

Airflow Modeling: Efforts to Find the Better Models for Building Air Quality Simulation.

Purba, L.P.(1), Tekasakul, P.(2), Maliwan, K.(3)
1, Mechanical Engineering Department Student of Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus, Thailand, 90110
Email: las.et.nic@gmail.com


All combustion sources, such as motor vehicle traffic, industrial combustion processes, burning, cooking, heating, and tobacco smoking, generate large quantities of fine (aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 mm) and ultra-fine (smaller than 0.1 mm) particles. Smaller particles can penetrate deeper into the respiratory tract and therefore have a higher potential to induce health effects than larger particles.
Suspended particulate matter can serve as nuclei and carriers for airborne viruses and bacteria, resulting in the spread of diseases. In addition, fine particles themselves can deposit in the lungs and cause respiratory diseases. As people spend about 90% of their lifetime indoors, indoor particulate matter can have great impact on human health. Thus, a good understanding of particle transport is crucial for creating healthy indoor environments.
In this paper, more than four model simulation of indoor airflow for building is reviewed. Hope fully, this help decisions maker have many consideration to improve or manage airflow for building. This is an effort to improve working environment in factory that seems to be severely affected by particulate matter.

Keywords: Particulate Matter, Airflow, Building, Simulation.

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